My problem with that is that it assumes that everyone is redeemable/"fixable"/wants to be changed, which I just don't believe is true.
My problem with that is that it assumes that everyone is redeemable/"fixable"/wants to be changed, which I just don't believe is true.
He didn't kill everybody because he had a knife and they had guns. And to shoot one of them (I can't remember if he picked up one of their guns?) would have drawn a bunch of walkers to the place and ruined his chances of getting away. He didn't kill Denise because she was his only leverage to get out of there alive.
I wish someone would just sit Morgan down and have a nice conversation about how morality is, and always will be, relative. As in—our philosophies about morality are a product of the world we came about in and the civilization we experience. In this wonderful Zombie Apocalypse the world has been inexorably changed,…
There are other ways to be an asshole
0/10 would not survive the zombie apocalypse
Yeah, the climbing stairs thing I was most confused about. Since when have we seen walkers with the coordination to do anything except for…walk?
Um, seriously. How many people tripped on that initial hustle away from the broken wall? When the zombies were still, like, dozens of yards away? I think every woman on the show might have actually fallen during that scene.
Creepy Elias is back! To insert himself into situations where he doesn't need to be. (Rick Cosnett, you are very pretty, but really unnecessary here.)
Unless Alicia is holding political office by the end of the show (which is a possibility), I can't see that happening. Peter had to do that because he was a public official who "broke the public's trust" or something like that. If Alicia does it I can't see her apologizing, mostly because the show has moved toward her…
I'll buy most of what you said, although it may be too early/unfair to say he's involved in MMA as some sort of self-flagellation for his sexuality. That's not everyone's motivation for fighting, gay or straight, and honestly, it could be something just as simple as wanting to make his father proud, having been born…
No I agree. Nate is "in the closet" but he knows his sexuality and is not exactly tormenting himself over it. Maybe him sticking around the MMA world is a way for him to deflect questions/prove his machismo to his father (which would be another bad cliche) but I mean—the boy is hooking up in back alleys and cruising…
Agreed. I really cannot claim to be a fan of MMA, yet Kingdom is one of my favorite shows on TV right now. Highly understated, and sometimes it feels like a very slow burn, but like Mad Men, I always come away from every episode thinking "damn, that was a good hour of television."
What is with faking gay this TV season? Maybe the three campiest shows on TV right now, Scream Queens, AHS and Quantico, all penned by gay writers/showrunners, have fake gays. For reasons that don't actually seem to serve the plot. Unless I missed something, there's no real reason for Boone to have faked being gay…
Man. I thought this episode was one of the most questionable—from the super silly "Let's all stay in a room and die together" Quantico test, to the awkward/forced kiss between Simon and Elias that made absolutely no narrative sense, to everyone just bouncing around the ranks in FBI/Quantico like they mean nothing…