
I feel like a lot of beloved shows that are canceled "too soon" are beginning to show a lot of signs of wear by the time they ended (Deadwood, Arrested Development, Veronica Mars), but Men of a Certain Age was not one of them- there was so much left in that series, it really hurt that they canceled it.

I suppose it's not actually "scary", but the Alice Cooper episode of The Muppet Show is one of my favorite horror-themed episodes of anything ever.

Haha Yes! That Cosby show was the first thing I thought of, that absolutely terrified me as a kid for what I thought was no good reason now, but I think you nailed it.


Have you checked out Technicolor Teeth? Amos from Tenement plays drums for them, they have a pretty different sound but are rad nonetheless.

Lol @Black Orpheus , Shouldn't read down the comments while I'm typing. I meant Inherent Vice.

I'm reading Infinite Jest now. It's my first Pynchon book, and kind of felt bad starting there because it's so non-typical and I've gotten the impression that its kind of "Pynchon-lite". Then again I wussed out not too far into Gravity's Rainbow, so maybe something lighter will provide a better entry way, and I like

It's interesting, it seems like they interpolated (or ripped off, depending on how charitable your feeling) instead of sampled a number of times. Mislabeling aside, I think that makes an even better argument for a list/mix of samples and "inspirations" even more valuable.

Here's the thing I had read at the time http://hypetrak.com/2013/05… which explains why the thing about the vocals stuck out to me. The drum track is super similar, but a little sparser seeming to me, though it could be just a straight rip off of it and thus not a sample, or just Kanye wanting to take credit for

I can't seem to find it now, but I read something reportedly from Kanye's camp or the label or something when the song came was on SNL, and the Manson sample thing first came up, maintaining that it wasn't a sample at all, and that Kanye did all the screams and weird breaths himself. You can kind of tell listening to

This mix is awesome, but it has a couple of mistakes- Black Skinhead doesn't actually sample Beautiful People, it just sounds similar, and  Down for my Nigga's is by C-Murder. though it does feature Snoop, in all his No-Limit-soldier-era glory

Wasn't there talk about a new Lard album not to long ago? I feel like that would stand an ok chance of actually being pretty good.

This certainly might be the longest think-piece I've ever read and enjoyed about any kind of music that has no mentions of any individual artists.

Thankfully all of the albums & projects that give him a lifetime pass also give me something to listen to instead of all the garbage records he's put out in the last decade+

Pre-album there was no reason to think Nicki was anything besides a beast- all her features and her tapes pre Pink Friday were pretty much fire. (Honestly so are her current songs that she actually feels like rapping on, they just come way fewer and farther between)

Really? Finally Rich is pretty great and one of the stronger, more consistent rap records of last year IMO.

I'm gonna need to listen to it quite a bit more to have a fully-formed opinion, but I feel like this might be the first time his rapping might actually be too much of a distraction to me. I love the overall sound, and I have usually been a defender of how flawed he is as a lyricist, but the groan-inducing lines come

That Keef appearance is pretty unremarkable. King L on Send it Up though, that's serious.

True. Violet Crown is pretty much my go watering hole, and also part of that little bar family. Once I dropped my ID through the floor boards at Mugshots and they let my smaller framed buddy crawl down there to find it- he found a nearly gone handle of whisky and a dusty cot, which just increased my appreciation of

But its a good kind of terrible. (I use the same logic to convince myself that I'm a good kind of drunk). It's true that the place is kind of a shit-hole, but the staff is friendly, and the drinks cheap, and shit-hole-y atmosphere isn't such a bad thing when it comes to bars IMO.