
Good call on Mugshots. I was on the fence when I read the headline, but I'm sold knowing it doesn't involve going to a crappy 6th street bar.

That's why I characterized it as a frustrating instead of shitty or horrible. Opening things up with calling French "a poor man’s rap star" is a bit misinformed in my opinion, but it's totally understandable if your knowledge of him is solely from this record and a couple of recent generic features. I just think that

Appropriate grade, frustrating review. It's really a shame that listeners (and the reviewer apparently) only know this generic pop version of French. Do yourself a favor and listen to an old Coke Boys or Coke Wave tape- he's a lot more fun, and has a lot more personality that anything on this thing would leave you to

Thats what I got out of it too- in a lot of ways it reminds me of 10,000hz the Legend because of this, and like that record, I think the sprawl and overstuffed nature really compliment it. 
"Giorgi by Moroder" is definitely the stand out to me as well, but I'm really falling in love with the sequencing of "Lose

They have precious little else to hold on to. Something about a group reuniting 10 years after their short lived heyday to rap about how much better things were 10 years before their initial existence really takes the desperately nostalgic cake. And this is at a show with two holographic performers.

Jurassic Five is still a thing? Really?

I don't really post on any boards or comment sections, or anything honestly- usually more of a passive reader. Any you recommend? could always use more diversions from actually working.

@avclub-5d47fb88f41b96973ef5465d3dc4518d:disqus I'm excited to hear that about the new Flocka tape- I'm glad he's trying new stuff still. I caught him during SXSW and he had a weird live band set up- it while it didn't exactly work (Live-ish drumming is no match for Luger beats, and felt a little hallow behind him)

No kidding- I am so ready for Thug featuring on some Mike Will Made it produced radio R&B summer jams. I need this in my life asap.

Totally, Gucci's run so far this year has been pretty damn impressive. The Waka thing was pretty disappointing- they just sound so damn good together. It's hard not to see Keef as a bit of a Waka replacement, but a lot less angry and a lot more nihilistic  which should be pretty interesting, though probably not nearly

Oh man, Drillary Clinton is such a good tape name. I love Katie. 
I've been nerding out heavy on all the Young Chop 8TMG stuff- Johnny Maycash and the like, good stuff coming from all over Chicago right now for sure.
Also, while on Chicago rap nerd shit, what do you think about Sosa joining Brick Squad? It seems a lot

Express opinions, just don't say that someone doesn't get the point of rapping, or that you know such point or that there is some overarching point at all really. I for one, really really like pointless rap- but thats just me.

Good call. Rappers definitely shouldn't try new things vocally. Or even try new things at all. Just stick to standard rhyme for rhyme verses about shell toed shoes and soggy macaroni.
I'm sorry, bitching about "not getting modern rap" is as patronizing as it is boring- any art form improves by giving it room to

If this manages to capture the show it was recorded at, it's a fucking treat. I've always liked Pete Holmes a good amount, and I went in expecting to have a pretty good time, but ended up in near hysterics pretty much the whole time- he really turns all the self awareness & semi-cloying asides you hear on the podcast

Yeah, Twista totally kills it, and is the only one that doesn't seemed dwarfed by Chance's over the top style- total win for the old dude. I agree 10000% that Ab, Bronson, and Gambino (barf) seem tacked on for blog love- honestly I felt like the other smaller Chicago MC's complimented the tape a lot better, maybe

This tape is really, really great. Between this, Young Thug's excellent 1017 Thug & Future's domination of all of urban radio, it's been a really great year for rappers trying new, weird stuff vocally. I'm stoked.

- It's not out until tomorrow, but I'm really looking forward to T.R.E.E.'s Sunday School 2 tape. The first Sunday School tape was a real treat, and his production has been consistently awesome, and underrated IMO. (He produced my favorite track, Hey Ma, on Chance's first tape)

Yeah I didn't remember the affair at all either- just that she wanted to live in the city and wasn't happy. That said, I definitely do agree that the whole girlfriend/mother abandonment parallel was a bit heavy handed. It didn't keep it from being one of my favorite movie's this year though

He's in it and really really good. A bit more comedic then in either of Nichols' other movies

Admittedly Ghost are a bit to clean and poppy for my tastes in general, but I found a lot to like about there first album even if it wasn't for me, whereas I don't like this one one bit. It just seems really corny, overproduced, and totally toothless.