
I just could never get over the 'surfing' thing, to be honest. lol. It's like "The Golden Skateboarder"….it's ridiculous, but we've been conditioned to believe it's legit instead of an ode to be hip in the 1970s.

oh, wait. Nope. Dude's from Mozambique. I'm likely right and not racist. Whew.

That's funny because I actually read it as "black guy" for some reason and my first thought was, why would they mention race in this case? Then I realized I actually totally made up the "black" part….and I wondered if the coconut aspect made me be racist….

It's the butt styled fleshlight….the weakest of them all…….Also a weird personal choice that I wouldn't want anyone to explain on the flight.

Yeah. Another reason I don't believe it. I'll admit. I once tried a cantaloupe. It was lame. I felt the same way after using a fleshlight-thing but at least the cantaloupe only cost me 2 bucks.

Ps> You didn't even touch on Venom or the Doc Ock Spider man. lol

I'm pretty optimistic on the X-Men. They landed Old Man Logan well enough. The new Wolverine took me forever to get into, but I started once I was sure she was here to stay and it's solid. Kitty Pryde as a leader is a good move (although, basically this is Excalibur). I feel like I want a "this is the status quo"

Well, my original content was that maybe it was a misunderstanding and she decided to exert her power just because she could. I don't underestimate the narcism I imagine someone like Taylor Swift has….Anyway, based on the photo the guy is, indeed, a creep.

Yeah….Go figure. I guess he was worried his mom would find them. I used to just drop them in a coke can. Seemed camo enough.

Dude was a total douche. I was forced into being his friend cuz it was a small Catholic school with 4 boys in my class pre-internet. It did not last into high school.

Can someone explain why everyone thinks this guy is a piece of shit (besides being a DJ)? I don't know the details, but from what I've read he said he didn't and she said he did and there's no proof or indication who is lying….


Well, unless he actually didn't do it…

Good lord. I remember in jr high my friend at the time was having sex with his gf. To brag he showed me an entire drawer filled with used condoms that he didn't know how to effectively dispose. The smell was unbearable.

I guess if I had to choose it would be durian but that's just because the smell reminds me of my wife.

Haha. Is pork expensive? I have no idea. I was just going for the juxtaposition of raw meat fucking vs. vegetable fucking. Veggies fucking seems more acceptable to me for some reason…

A male or female friend? Just curious…to think about it later…

There's nothing wrong with using produce to masturbate. It's better than, like, a living goat or even some pork chops duct taped together and heated for 30 seconds on defrost.

The Ultimates 2 is the one where I'm supposed to care about a bunch of cosmic level characters right? If 40 years of the Silver Surfer didn't make me care than neither will this.

He made an appearance not that long ago to kill Steve Rodgers.