
You being contrarian has nothing to do with agreeing with me or not….It has to do with the clear insincerity in your posts to having a conversation. If you were sincere you'd actually state a position, defend it, give me research to support it, etc. Instead you're merely offering vague responses that there is

Best quote by a black guy on CNN this weekend on immigration was "You didn't give a damn what language WE spoke when you brought us over so why do you care now all of the sudden". Sick burn.

No one is envious. Personally, I'm happy to pay people overseas to work for me.

My wife will be happy. I've literally flown into a rage and said, horrible horrible things about women and race when watching her. I think my wife might have taken out life insurance on me around that time.

I'm so glad others hate Maddow too. Personally, I'm a Chris Cuomo man.

I'm positive she had no soul long before this….

Nope. You don't have to defer to my expertise….I just think you're more interested in being contrarian than actually talking or learning.

I think those of us who grew up at that time appreciate how weirdly lame (but also not) SNL was at that time. Maybe SNL is like Weezer and you just think the best is whatever was happening when you were a teenager.

I'm wondering if their culturally different approach to trans issues and the fact it's well known enough is an issue for trans people in the US. Similarly to how "me love you long time" is something said to certain Asian women.

What about the country of Thailand?

Mango was late enough that is actually COULD be considered offensive. lol

Nope. That's the first thing I thought of when I saw the headline. Well, Jill Soloway never played with the Ween.


I've told you…I read this type of research on this very issue all the time. I appear to be more knowledgeable about it than you and the author of the email. Frankly, Google itself seems to understand the issue's complexity based on the memo….

Yup. Go figure.

*sigh*. Sorry, I'm done. You're pretending to know more than you actually do for some unknown reason….

Don't tell me who I trust or don't. I'm stating what the research says. Your links have nothing to do with STEM or careers. They are just saying boy and girl brains are different. That's not a dispute.

My first link - as I said- is the one used by the author of the memo. It goes out of it's way to mention the influence of socialization. This isn't my choice study, but based off the memo where he nearly plagiarizes this study. It goes on to state, "The persistence of earlier socialization processes (Eagley, 1987)

Logical….I guess I don't have to explain causation and correlation to you?