
I think they are still one of the best at least in my personal experience. It's hard to balance the great service I've had with them from this kind of behavior (and the countless other examples from US airlines).

Well, Twist and Shout was actually written for black people….so I'd go with that one.

That's a fair observation. I meant more from the corporate side rather than the characters being written poorly. I think it's clear that all the diversity characters are written with love and respect.

Totally agree on Ms. Marvel. My kids can't read yet, but as Muslim girls, it's so important to me that there is a character out there they can identify with. That's what I try to keep in mind any time the old man in me crinkles up at all the "diversity" changes Marvel is doing. It isn't easy and kudos to them for

You have some good points, but the comics you mentioned are really quirky…they all aren't traditional superhuman fare which also make time for characterization.

Yeah, I read the first issue or so of Mosiac and I thought it was horrible. Same with Nighthawk. Some of it is just good writing. I can't stand G. Willow Wilson, but she has written a nice character.

I think Sam Wilson is a fine Capt America, which is why I think they should have left Steve as and old white guy and really played with that for a long, long time.

The "diversity" approach is different. I agree with you so far as CA: SR is concerned. I also think the diversity thing is a great move. It's important for kids, especially, to see diversity in their heroes.

Axis was the dumbest crossover ever…….and made Superior Iron Man really, really dumb.

There's another issue with "do people like it" approach….the fact that there are life-long fans to many of these titles. I think it's TBD if the approach of bringing in new fans and annoying existing fans is going to be fruitful or not….to me, it seems like it might be a bubble.

I agree with both of you. I just think the "backlash" is because the execution is so poor (like most things at Marvel these days).

I hate the current Captain America "push" for a variety of reasons….many mentioned in the article. I do disagree with the interpretation of how this meshes with the current Marvel "diversity initiative". It's the comics. Good guys always win. Ergo, the current crop of "diversity" superheroes are going to win. It's

The issue is that the POTUS choose to respond to this….which is petty.

There has been many, many articles for months about players that said they would refuse to go. It makes sense to see how many chose to go versus not go.

The issue isn't that they got their facts wrong. The issue seems to be way over your head….

Since the recent election it's become really obvious that we might as well randomly select a President from a pool of registered voters. I mean, why the fuck not at this point? I'm sure your average voter, even weird conservative ones, would be more ethical than this turd.

"Cirie giving Michaela advice on how to handle playing the game when you are the target without losing your head."……More like she gave Michaela advice on how to deal with white people.

An anthropomorphic afro typing on a typewriter with a white hand cautiously running it's fingers down the backside of the afro.

The thing which is annoying to me (although I guess it can't be helped) is dealing with white people who consider my "opinions" and "experiences" on race as equal to their own.

I see your point. I think it's valid. I also think the point with the quote is how POC are tired of having to be in "spokesperson" mode all the time. That's also a really valid perspective.