
I got the pun, but I'm tired of everyone talking about race when the US is largely one of the least racist countries…even WITH Trump.

Not just you…other people like you too….on both sides of the spectrum.

I wasn't trying to use scare quotes….please try to be better at being snarky.

Ummm, actually, no. I'm not lying. But thanks for the interesting, substantive response. America's problems are in no way related to your attitude. Not at all………

The man said lots of stuff. Settling doesn't mean he's guilty….I mean, we both probably think he is, but technically it isn't a sign of guilt. What's the news story here: "Trump settles instead of having courtroom battle"? People have already made up their mind on this issue one way or another no matter how correct

hillbilly backlash? My word. Why would they ever feel the need to push back against the "left"?

I don't know where you get your news, but no. I don't think so. The Trump U settlement is barely newsworthy…and the controversial cabinet picks are going to keep coming along all month….

How was it not news? It was reported all over the place. The settlement doesn't imply guilt….unless you already believed he was guilty…as do I and many others…but, technically, it doesn't.

Yeah…well, the multicultural center at my wife's college excludes white people and any minority which doesn't believe in 100% liberal values…..so there's that…

Plenty of actual studies have shown that as well. An entire college is not a 'safe space'….

Really? Poor people get trophies and aren't oppressed at all? Wonderful. I guess we've made some progress while I was at work today.

I don't know….I love the injection of race into the conversation though. Way to be progressive and not at all why we have a Trump headed to the white house. Thanks for that!

Lead to impeachment how, exactly? The Republican congress is going to go after him because of a for-profit school? Haha.

He can avoid the courtroom by settling…the "Trump U" one isn't all that big in all honesty.

Pretty sure they can both be corrupt…..

A lot of Americans don't understand a lot of things….like how to work hard and how to not whine every time something isn't as perfect as they'd like it to be….

The poor whites…lmao. I guess using race doesn't keep poor blacks and poor latinos in line, eh?

Your posts here are pretty in line with what I've been saying for awhile now. Kudos.

Lots of non-white conservatives voted for Trump too, actually.

Don't forget that a lot of "intellectuals" are also anti-intellectual.