vermilion point

and my father made the point that homeland Brits don’t really feel responsible for the sins of the early American settlers from various European nations. Thanksgiving is on us.

Ignore the people telling you to chill. Spot on comment.

So... the ‘good guy with the gun’ just let the guy tip on out of there without shooting him after his “white don’t shoot white” speech? Also: really? I guess those scores of dead white people in the spate of mass shootings (and the other shootings throughout this country) were done by the phantom PoCs that inhabit

Good luck with this. Last time I mentioned “death of the author” in relation to J.K. Rowling on Kotaku people thought I actually wanted to kill her.

I spent much time “marveling” the characters too... but I was a tad older... you know what I’m saying aaaayyyyyy!

It gets even worse!!

EVE Online continues to hold the belt for the “Game I love reading about but would never ever consider playing for myself” title.


*twirls snooty mustache*

It’s about historical accuracy” is the new “it’s about ethics in game journalism”?

I think the election will probably happen before then, but who knows since May and company seem incapable of planning anything. 

In a free system, the labor providers can shop around for the best pay right?”

Socialism does not require primitivism, asceticism or any abstention from consumer goods or technology. You seem to think socialism requires people to not have iphones, when really, socialism calls for the people who make iphones to receive an equitable share of the value derived from their labor. 

If this happened in America, the Radisson would put a lock on their pool gate in response.

Quite impressive, first it was perjury that was no biggie for a Supreme Court nominee, now attempted rape is a-okay. We’re almost there, bottom must be just a few feet away...

So you’re ok with gays getting married but you don’t give a shit about poor people. Got it.

Whenever I see one of those sinister and unnatural blue-white smiles out in the wild, I swear I can hear the Battlestar Galactica version of All Along the Watchtower humming background, sounding the Cylon alarm.

I’m curious—do you regard your ability to loathe murderers as unique? Do you think that position is somehow so novel that you have to shout it.

I’m not trolling anyone. Pissing your pants over anti-fascist being mean to an NBC reporter is peak liberalism. It’s fucking pathetic.

I dare ANYONE to show me a dog that can pull off any kind of Lawful alignment.