vermilion point

Those are the nipples of a God. No man alone can be used as a reference. They probably had a huge contest and chose the top 100 strongest, manliest and sexiest man alive and fused all their nipples together to make the ultimate nipples. Or maybe it’s just Greg’s tits from the art department.

wealthy donors like the Koch brothers

The rust belt voted for Obama. Twice. And instead of promised change, they got a (competent) continuation of neoliberalism that kept the boot pressing against their face. So they either didn’t vote, or voted to burn the whole place down. Racism has far less to do with it than you seem to think.

Some Democrats opened themselves up to this when they cried sexism every time Clinton was criticized.

You almost took someone’s life over FUCKING. MINTS. You pulled your gun on someone because you thought they had taken candy???

It’s different because it’s convenient for you to think of it as something other category so you don’t have to feel guilty.

That’s not fair. Many of them are good with as many as 14 words.

I apPEAL to your sense of forgiveness and hope you CLANG forgive me.

Well judging by your responses to someone who isn’t catholic. Your hate is very strong.

What if I’m a lapsed Catholic who absent-mindedly watched a Polanski film six months ago?

1. Not catholic.

This, right here, is why members of the Church of Rodger deserve to have their balls pulverized.

Read it in Grandpa Simpson’s voice, mostly because it reminded me of this.

This is why I knew that letter was Trump’s work the minute I heard about it.

You forgot to mention several things other other Dr. Borstein, like the bigly regular colon, it is like an old faithful for poop, very regular, you can set your Twitter by it. He also has the best poop I have seen, it is perfect poop, smells great, you will not find better poop anywhere. His cholesterol is also great,

Now playing

I don’t condone blah blah blah but I can’t stop laughing.

A story in two comments

My dad put an end to all family vacations 14 years ago. He’d make the threat that “this is the last vacation we ever take as a family” during every vacation we ever took and no one ever thought he’d ever follow through with it. Used to think he was an asshole for putting an end to it, but I get it now. We used to take

Damn, I would have killed to have so many girls interested in mainstream gaming when I was in high school. All these boys are lacking vision: a shared interest is an unbeatable icebreaker. Dumbasses.

Importantly, one must remember that there is no such thing as a Golden Showa Day.