vermilion point

Its easily Beria level. Beria used to cruise the streets of Moscow in a car and give flowers to women he had the eye on. Later the kgb would have the woman picked up and taken to his office/lair where it was make cmrd Beria happy or disappear into the labour camps

Jo Cox

commodity derivative. Theres no unrealised use value in a bitcoin. Copper would still be copper even after the copper bubble had popped.

its a wonderful story but it didn’t forsee that it would be competing capitalist nations that refined tools of social control and surveillance.  

ask a devout sikh what they think of hero ghandi.

the rest of the world finds this hilarious* in light of how many democratic governments the US had overthrown by means subtle and military, the CIA practically invented the art of screwing with other peoples democratic process.

I’m a nobody with no reputation, but I like to think I have personal honour. Something money can’t buy. If some twonk accused me of being a damn nazi...well I wouldn’t sue cos I have no money. I’d key thier car at night.

because the poor are tough and stringy

its never quite the same though, so I’d say it rhymes more tha repeats

and while bernie spent a youth doing things like being arrested for protesting segregation, hillary clinton was a goldwater girl and later went on to over see the carceral racist policies we all hate. But yeah, ernie has to be the bad man because he is old.

David Beckham once celebrtated a goal by running and slinding on his kneesdoing the motions as if he was snorting the white painted lineon the pitch. He got no end of gfief from the press.

I think a lot of people who stayed home would have gone *sigh, well hold my nose and vote dem, the useless bastards have to be better than Trump for gods sake’

can you explain why america needs the F35 while it lets its ageing infrastructure rot and cities that were once powerhouses like Detroit fall into bankruptcy and literal ruin? You lot really don’t get to tell other people how to distribute their money, because that military industrial complex is the log in thine own

short answer? you want our vote on the UNSC and as de gual always warned you want us as your proxy influence in EU affairs (although thats....fucked...). Then there’s the airbases you keep here for tactical reasons.

I find the lack of 1up mushrooms disturbing because fo me it feels as necessary as peach being kidnapped

tammany hall, boss Plunkitt ‘what’s wrong with honest graft?’

I don’t see why some nobhead should get better looking gear than me through having more money. If one person has to earn it, all should have to earn it. Its like saying ‘heres all the monoply tokens, but theres another set here if you win six games straight of pay a tenner’. No.

back in Ye Olden days it seemed almost standard practise for PC games to release demos, even remember getting CD’s with 5 demos on them free on the front of a playstation magazine fairly regular., so they were there for console as well. They should bring that back. And intervals at the cinema. And smoking on buses.

in the first few episodes they take a mans backpiece tatt off by force for violating the charter by continuing to wear the ink despite being expelled. Its reasonable to assume Juice would think something equally awful would come his way. One of the most tragic character arcs in a show full of them.

came on so many cd’s. Was mind blowing. I never completed it