
I was a graphic designer in college (as in, gainfully employed), so it made sense to me for me to just do the RSVP myself and get them printed at kinkos. It saved us hundreds of dollars over a ‘professional’ RSVP that was just a print-out on fancy paper.

But as I mentioned to someone else, I also kind of had to do a

Honestly, DBZ’s enduring legacy is its merchandising. It’s not surprising that, like an iconic American comic book, they want to keep it running forever. While the later DBZ and the GT may not have been as good as everything leading up the Frieza Arc, we couldn’t have gotten amazing DBZ games like Tenkaichi 3’s 100

I feel like a lot of guys aren’t expected anything of, so they never do anything. Just looking at all my male friends, I can count on one hand the number who were expected to do laundry when they lived at home. I can’t be friends with most of my wife’s friend’s SOs because I’ve just heard too many stories. I mean, I

Since it looks like the Enclave is still going strong, it may be that this is a prequel, too. Some of the Vaults were designed to open after 20 years or so. It’s just that so far, the vault protagonists both came from ‘social experiment’ vaults.

So... while my wife made all the design choices I actually put the whole thing together (talked to the vendors, paid for everything, organized everything, designed the damn RSVPs). I feel like most guys really aren’t pulling their weight in the wedding department. I mean, just suggesting ideas is kind of lazy. I

Yeah, that’s in Vault 112. The other inhabitants were kept alive in the other pods until you terminate the simulation. Edit: Oh! You mean this historical sim. Yeah, that’s possible, too.

Many vaults in sequence tend to have similar themes, like Vaults 68 and 69. Vaults 112 could have been designed to keep people alive

It seems like we’re going to get a taste of life before the apocalypse. Maybe Vault 111 is responsible for cryogenic freezing? It’s a concept that hasn’t been done by a vault yet.

Diablo looks like he’s doing bad things to that poor goat.

I’m glad to see Pak is doing great things, Planet Hulk is still one of my favorite stories of the last 15 years. Now we need him to write a Hulk vs Superman story :)

I think a lot of the races tend to be the same because they’ve been slaved by various races. The Bureau’s villains appear to be on the run from EU’s villains. Lots of war going on in the galaxy, with a small number of races caught in the middle.

I still recommend finishing it, but you did actually save the day. This is a new Alien threat.

Oh my god I’m pumped. A new X-Com by Firaxis?

I’m glad he’s okay. I was in a car accident in college that killed a friend and left me in the hospital for weeks, and even then it was months before I could walk without crutches or a wheelchair. It’s a hard experience, and it has to be only harder because he can’t escape it in the media.

I don’t doubt it. My wife and I had a miserable experience trying to get across the country with her parents and two relatives from India on United. First, they overcharged us for our bags by putting them all on one person’s account rather than spreading them across all the travelers. Then, by the time we were told

So basically all those rumors are looking to be true?

These all look like bad photoshop. Those appear to be dry erase boards and yet they’ve got perfect ‘type’ on them. Most likely, this isn’t a ‘movement’ but just a person who discovered Adobe for the first time. If this is from Mintified, I’ve a feeling this is just plain fake.

That’s the party line, but it’s really not the same. Maybe for people who like MMOs, but trying to play the game solo was just... ugh. I got maybe 3/4ths of the way through one story before I got tired of the MMO grind cycle and endless fetch quests. I’m not a fan of MMO conventions, and it often killed the experience

So... Where does Pak’s run start? I loved his Hulk, I’m intrigued by this.

I wish I could edit after I left this. I agree with the rest of the points - this is just what stood out to me.

Fox doesn’t have the rights to Spider-man - Sony does.