I actually prefer the Wii U Pro Controller, anyway. It's laid out like the 3DS' buttons, so everyone is more familiar with it now anyway.
I actually prefer the Wii U Pro Controller, anyway. It's laid out like the 3DS' buttons, so everyone is more familiar with it now anyway.
This game got delivered today... to the rental office... which closed an hour early for no reason ;_:
You know, I tried watching this and the Mass Effect Anime, but it was just way too boring to keep my attention. All I remember was Cassandra being a badass and maybe there was a little girl involved?
Enjoy the game, you must. Low self esteem does taking the game too seriously show.
Little Mac is this game's Ken. All the new users heard hes good and are getting on the band wagon, despite not knowing how to use him.
You know, I'm still enjoying the game despite all the bugs. I think it unfairly got a 'no' from this site's review, when it probably deserved a 'not yet'. Granted, it doesn't have anything cool and new like pirate ship battles, but it did manage to improve on the core gameplay a lot, so that you actually have to…
There is only one advanced technique many smash bros. players need to learn to be better players:
My wife and I love scandalizing all the aunties by doing things like holding hands in public.
Hahahaha, nope. I'm not buying shaving cream for what always turns out to be not very good DLC anyway.
Buy ten copies then, because I imagine the sales of the re-releases will affect the chances for a sequel.
Can anyone point me to a good spot to catch up on the story? I played The Longest Journey and Dreamfall back to back a long while ago after seeing it on a 'best point-and-click games' list, but I can barely remember any of the plot points right now.
As much as I want to play Dreamfall Chapters, I really need a primer back into these games. I forgot that the Assassin Priest even existed, and I only have very vague memories of the back end of the Longest Journey.
I love the Archer reference hidden in the background.
Rewatching Breaking Brad, I'm really appreciating how the show made you root for the villain without realizing it. You slipped just as Walter did, and all these idiots on the internet don't seem to get that Skylar acted relatively rationally throughout the series.
I don't think it really matters either way, so long as you aren't expecting epic love making. Just understand that you're both going to be tired regardless and may prefer sleep and cuddling.
Had fight before reception ended (9%)
He's certainly been acting like he's on Meth, that's for sure. Does that count as Method Acting?
The gym may help people, but you're not going to get someone into the gym or going regularly without an attitude change.
As always, this boils down to confidence being attractive while a lack of confidence is not. People tend to mistake this for a whole lot of other issues, but that's really all it is. People are attracted to confidence in our leaders, in our romantic partners, in the people we're interviewing, etc. After all, why…
That's all great, but can I organize the damn dashboard? You know, a basic feature of GUIs since their inception?