
Oh Jade Empire and Bioware. They made their early games so easy to break (Like Force Speed/Flurry with a Double Bladed lightsaber letting you destroy KOTOR) . Basically, once you got the Giant Statue transformation you were unbeatable.

The money for military equipment is largely grant funded. There is a congressional report you should look up to that effect on the waste in the homeland security grant funding.

Ooof. There are some harsh words here about 'they' and 'them' and that culture... but there are tanning salons in every town in the United States.

I hope you go protest outside your nearest tanning salon, first :P

Probably similar to what it feels like on the other end: A pleasurable, expanding pressure, I guess?

It's because of the lack of qualified instructors in the department and the tightness of the training schedule. You're paying academy recruits while they're in training (and useless to you) and it's EXPENSIVE. And that's even if you HAVE an academy.

A lot of it comes back to funding issues, and the old guard

I believe he meant least effective part of the training, meaning the officers have the least skill in those categories.

How should a police department go about changing the culture to minimize the number of overzealous officers on a police force? (You know, the squirrels - to use a fire & rescue term)

That would have been THE most awkward taxi to the gate, ever, if this had gone wrong.

So, this looks interesting. Basically, other people's bases become mini-levels for you, with the catch that if you somehow alert the other player, they can come in to defend their base.

I'm definitely interested in this. The only thing that I got sick of in Black Flag was how obnoxious it was to constantly board vessels to upgrade my ship. I really don't want to take down 50 Galleons again, so if we could simplify the upgrade process like in Freedom Cry, I'd appreciate it.

I'm shocked that woman pumping out that many kids for Jesus might not be the most critical thinker.

I'm fine with platonic female friends calling me 'bud' too, it's just a VERY platonic term of endearment.

Well price is very much a factor of location, and gets into a whole socioeconomic curve. I imagine they wanted to skip the hard work.

Yeah... maybe don't call your romantic interest 'bud'. My sister calls me 'bud' and if my wife ever did I think it'd be a full stop, back up and lets never say that again.

I love how many people didn't read this before commenting. They flat out say they couldn't account for marriage price, only size.

There is a 'craft pack' now that includes all of them.

Nope, just an asshole.

Oh! Sorry. He committed, man. He had 'fiancenesia', because the only part of his life he didn't remember was his fiance. So one day she just came over and he was like 'Who are you?'

But then, this is the same guy who disappeared for five days and claimed that he had been carjacked, and that the carjackers and made

I never thought anyone actually did that until a friend's brother pulled the amnesia routine on his fiance. Wow, people.