Sorry, I meant it was probably his 'trade' binder, or otherwise some nerdy 'foil binder'. Or something like that. Odd specificities like that don't surprise me in the Magic world.
Sorry, I meant it was probably his 'trade' binder, or otherwise some nerdy 'foil binder'. Or something like that. Odd specificities like that don't surprise me in the Magic world.
Black Panther is too busy saving the world in New Avengers.
Well, if those 28 cards were all worth about $40-50, it's absolutely possible.
Lots of MTG Players (and people in general) don't realize how extremely stupid leaving this stuff in plain view in cars is. At many tournament locations there is at least one person roaming the parking lot looking for cards left out.
Agreed. That's definitely my plan for the PS4 - it just isn't worth the money this year.
That's weird. You can always just look up a code online to transfer into seasons.
The Oracle games basically HAVE to lead directly into Awakening. I refuse to accept anything else.
Spirit Tracks is a different Link though, just the same style. We're talking about the same Link for each game.
I played 10, 12 and 13 (12 and 13 just felt like work and I didn't finish either), but yeah I'm largely in the same boat.
I don't know though, maybe they 'pop' more when translated to 3d?
To go full on nerd, but that wouldn't give the 'time' for the geographic changes ;)
I think it's because they're trying to recreate SNES graphics in 3D. It worked better in Wind Waker.
Yay! Our first post-Hyrule Historia Zelda game! Now we can fit this one into the timeline using obscure clues as well (just kidding, this one's pretty easy).
He's a Russian Assassin from the late 18th/Early 19th Century.
While his move set is a 'clone', so is Falco and Wolf and Ganondorf... although none of them are confirmed either.
I have to say though, from a design perspective most adventure games are terrible.
Yeah - confusing a child who can't yet tell the difference between fantasy and reality always ends great.
I don't think that's necessarily true, but you may be right. Although I don't see why Toon Link would be gone this time when Wind Waker is coming out so soon.
I'm really disappointed that they are shackling the Wii U version because of the 3DS. Unless there is cross-connectivity, you're just making a worse product because of it.
I may or may not get a hit at BWI, but I always get at least two at Atlanta.