French Canadian Montana

Madrid will win today.

Eric Lindros: “The hit on Crosby didn’t look that bad. I wouldn’t stop playing.”

Throwback to the time before Obamacare when my friend was pregnant while living in Europe and delayed her move back to the US because carrying a child was a pre-existing condition that denied her health care coverage.

Connor McDavid making 4 dimensional chess moves while the Ducks were stuck playing Hungry Hungry Hippos.

If Erik Karlsson scores an incredible goal and 2000+ Senators fans aren’t there to witness it, did it really happen?

Not Safe For Primetime

You know the criticism against the team must be super harsh when Drouin comes out looking ok.

Cristiano doesn’t celebrate his goals with Bale because he’s too busy taking off and putting his shirt back on.

Messi scores a goal, takes his shirt off: LEGEND

This does a lot to explain how Manchester City won the league in 2012.

Let’s face it, El Clásico has become just a preamble for the more real war of words between Pique and Sergio Ramos afterwards.

When Tim Thomas refused to join his teammates in the Bruins championship visit with Obama at the White House I understood the criticism. Not because of his personal politics, but because it was in the middle of their season and he put himself before the team - and ultimately Thomas’ decision did affect team unity.

Madrid will reach the final.

As an Oilers fan, don’t let this loss distract you from the fact that the Flames blew a 4-1 lead.

This is the social media equivalent of blowing a 25 point lead.

3. “Wide right”

“This is your Fairy Godfather”, lame pick-up text or potential title of a horrendous Adam Sandler movie?

“If you come up among lions you must expect to get attack by the lions. If you are a cat, you will run away. But if you are a lion, you must stay among the other lions.”

Dog has a better work rate than Ozil.

If the Chicago Cubs can win the World Series, the Chicago Fire can win the World Cup.