And yet here you are.
And yet here you are.
Go through the history of the account and see for yourself.
I made the joke from a different account in a different forum which I’m happy to repeat to a different audience. I have the comedic integrity to never steal jokes from someone else, but I do reserve the right to do what I want with the original ones I come up with.
Kanté is going to look pretty silly passing up a Champions League medal for another one from the Premier League.
£90 million, that’s like 1 Neymar, 2 Zazas and an infinite number of Sanogos.
I’m from Edmonton and have more than a few friends whose parents have winter homes in Phoenix. Pal went to visit his parents during the holidays and he got free Coyotes tickets at the gas station by filling his tank. He still didn’t think it was worth going.
Exhibit A:
Crosby, McDavid, Burns and Marchand are all legit Hart trophy candidates, but none of them saved jazz like Ryan Gosling.
It’s ok, despite the loss today, Manchester United maintains its position in sixth.
So is the thread where we can finally talk about how the Dominican Republic came back yesterday from a 5-0 hole to beat the US? Because I had a pretty lame “United States Of Germain” joke all lined up.
Typical Millwall supporters taking any opportunity to incite violence anywhere.
I thought we would be free and clear of Pistachio Girl posts but here we are.
That dog is just doing his imitation of Luis Suarez amirite?
I’ve travelled to Shanghai for work. Restaurants often have pictures of each item on the menu. Funny time though was when I wanted to try something that looked plain weird and the waiter in his limited English said “Um, I don’t think you would like that.”
I always wondered how Tevez thrived playing alongside Rooney considering that neither one of them speaks English.
Barcelona should announce Luis Enrique as their next manager.
I normally 10-2 refrain from making puns based on aggregate scores, but Bayern dropping a dime on Arsenal has simply forced my hand.
Ronaldo didn’t score on purpose because he saw Bale standing right there and he didn’t want to celebrate with him.
Russell Westbrook may very well put up a season triple-double to win league MVP but he didn’t save jazz like Ryan Gosling.