French Canadian Montana

This scene was mentioned in the review but the detail bears repeating - Rear Window features the all time greatest introduction of a character in a movie. Grace Kelly’s face gradually pulling into focus through Jimmy Stewart’s waking eyes as she nears him and gives him a kiss. The audience’s perspective as recorded by

Sadly, I’m actually laid up with a fractured bone in my foot and doctor’s orders to keep weight off it. Looks like I’m going to be here banging the refresh button like a cowbell all day.

Coming this summer.

Star Trek IV may be a comedy, but Star Trek V literally features William Shatner killing God.

If I was blind I would love going to hockey games for the sounds alone. It’s not just the skates gliding off frozen water, it’s the crunching hits, the atonal chime of the puck hitting the post, Sidney Crosby whining to the refs - all beautifully accented by the echo produced off the ice.

If Arsenal’s continuing their slide with Wenger at the helm means continuing torture for Piers Morgan then I’m all fucking for it.

Its actually the award the NHL gives out for Most Inconsequential Transaction Of The Year in the David Desharnais trade for Brandon Davidson.

Van Persie forced a move to Man United under similar circumstances (fed up with not winning, entering the final year of his contract). I wouldn’t sleep on the potential that City throws Arsenal an insane amount of change and they just take the deal.

Smell The Glove

I look forward to Israel winning the World Baseball Classic just so that we can be faced with the controversy of players declining to meet with Benjamin Netanyahu.

As a Jays fan I now regret bringing you out of the greys.

I am bringing you out of the grays to inform you that I am in fact a lifelong Jays fan. The difference between you and me is that I have a sense of humour.

Jose Bautista completely rebuilt his swing at the age of 30 when he joined the Blue Jays. It wasn’t just the mechanics, it was also in his approach: how he learned to mentally chart each at-bat; segregate his fielding from the batters box; develop strike zone discipline. If it wasn’t for Cito Gaston and Dwayne Murphy

Picasso was a noted misogynist and Ezra Pound was a vocal supporter of Hitler. Despite the supposed conjecture that art is supposed to serve the purpose of humanist uplift, society loses when they look towards artists as moral figures.

The deal is actually worse than you described. The 4th round pick is only conditional on Iginla re-signing with the Kings. In a literal fashion, Colorado is paying another team 50% of Iginla’s salary not to play for them and with zero return.

Canada post.

This trade gives the Capitals a good chance to make it past the second round.

The only thing more inexplicable than Kyrie Irving’s belief that the world is flat is Phil Jackson’s belief in the Triangle Offence.

That Hanzal is so hot right now.

“It was 3-1.”