
Outside of Johnny Cash and maybe some Waylon Jennings, Sturgill Simpson is the only Country music I will really listen to. He seems to transcend the genre and is an all around great musician. I can’t recommend his music highly enough.

Interesting! Thanks for that info, I didn’t see that before

Are we sure that Matthew Modine actually IS around still? It was hinted that he’s still out there and didn’t die because that one character said that to Eleven and her Punky Bunch before they were about to kill him, but is he a reliable source of info for this? I didn’t really see anything else in the season that

I actually agree with this comment 100%

I had the same thought about Ray as well. I love their dynamic, but I really can’t see it being anyone else.

Yeah I totally agree with that, it just seemed weird to that the opening was centered around the finger injury and then there was no sign of it at all the rest of the episode. I didn’t even need a comment about it or for it to tie in directly to the story, but the fact that he didn’t have a bandaged finger or anything

I was always aware of Primus, but got a chance to see Les Claypool perform with Duo De Twang and Primus live a couple of times in the last few years and man did I really dig what he was putting down. It gave me a whole new appreciation for Primus. I will definitely be checking this out.

That was really funny, but it never came up again in the show again? He didn’t even have his finger taped or bandaged or anything. It kind of bugged me, but oh well.

Too bad Hannibal Buress couldn't have done a bit on it sooner and got it into the mainstream like he did for Cosby

I love how in a recent episode of Doughboys, Wiger was saying how he doesn't like to work "blue", yet he made this song.

I could be VERY wrong and I'd have to watch the whole episode again, but my take on it was when Pino and Francesca were getting ready to leave and she stared off and it cut to black, it went to a flashback of when she stayed at Dev's house when the snow storm happened. I don't remember what clothes they were wearing

I made this comment on another episode last season, but I think the fact that Jimmy eventually winds up in Nebraska has something to do with Kim. She's from the Kansas/Nebraska border area originally, so maybe she went home and Jimmy chose to try to go back closer to her. I'm a dumb romantic, but I'm hoping for an

I just looked it up to be sure and it seems like it's set to be released at the end of November. That makes sense that they'd want to get the Thanksgiving release date, but I feel like they're missing an opportunity to release it a month earlier to line up with the Day of the Dead.

I would have to guess Coco (despite it looking somewhat similar to Book of Life). I guess it isn't fair to compare the two because they are both about an actual holiday/belief, but they do appear awfully similar.

I think you're assuming they want awards as much as they want moola. Moola is king. It can be argued that award recognition could bring in more money, BUT I'm not so sure that applies when it comes to animation.

I would hope they'd name him (assuming it's a boy) Nick to honor Schmidt's best friend and also have a reason to call the baby Schmidt (Winston/Winston parallel)

Yeah I plan on watching that to see how it is, but after that, I'm most likely cancelling it. I do plan on adding Starz to my cable package for American Gods, so that may replace Hulu pretty soon.

Controversial statement here, but Hulu kinda sucks. I have it and I'm not sure why (other than slowly working through Happy Endings). The originals are all pretty weak (from the ones I've watched at least)

I had a Black Label eagle deck and I loved it sooooo much. When I moved out and went to college, my dad must've gotten rid of it (I had kind of stopped skateboarding for the most part at that point). I would absolutely love to still have it though. I was really really bummed that I couldn't find it. I miss getting

Oh wow that's really different, pretty cool though