
Is the bathtub thing real or is that a joke? I can't tell?

I love how it was all a mix of different Disney movies: Alladin (stolen loaf of bread, parkour, "street rat"), Beauty and the Beast (Belle), Lady and the Tramp (he shared spaghetti with a dog). I'm sure there's probably other references I missed, but I thought that was a particularly funny touch to the episode.

Not sure if he did or not, but I'd sure like to. Link?

Oh god, the whole comments section is going to collapse when the commenters realize there doesn't have to be snark in every post… "PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE LACK OF SNARK BEHIND THE CURTAIN, AVC COMMENTERS"

If you need to talk to someone, we're here for you

"Despite its abrupt ending, this was one of the nicer story arcs Portlandia has had this season, as it was nice to see Fred experience a little joy for once, it spite of how it ended,[sic]"

I think they are saying the fight took place for a span of 5 years (2010-2015), but who knows in this alternate fact world

"Lucky" for them they can now add Three Doors Down to their Zune mix!

It was wonderful! I also had a new appreciation for Toby Keith after that. I have ZERO knowledge of Country music other than Johnny Cash (and now Sturgill Simpson), but I just assumed that every Country act was a right wing, boots and bibles type, but hearing him give an interview on the Colbert Report (iirc) about

Stop thinking about it and do it already

Interesting! I wasn't aware that they were an item for awhile. I don't really follow celebrity gossip too much (I don't seek it out, at the very least), but there are some people that I'm curious about from time to time, but I don't think those people usually snag the headlines unless they're a movie superstar (Pitt,

Hmmm interesting, I wasn't aware of that. I do wonder how weird it must be for actors to continue working with people that they were once coupled up with (I'm thinking of Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter on Dexter or Martin Freeman and Amanda Abbington on Sherlock, but I'm sure there's others)

In the season 1 finale "Jon" said it was renewed for a second season, but I'm not sure if that was in the "reality" of the show or if that was factual. Either way, Glaser Loves Gear was probably my favorite thing to come out of 2016 and I am hoping for more. It's such a wonderfully odd show and I love it.

I'm pretty sure that WAS Natasha Lyonne in a wig. As far as I know, she and Fred are still a couple, but I'm not 100% sure on that (or really care if they are or aren't).

I love Portlandia, but I will say that the first part of the hotel sketch fell flat to me. There was an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm that did basically the same exact concept of the concierge over explaining everything in the hotel room to Larry (although, if I recall it was for him to "earn" his tip from Larry).

I am not a fan of hip-hop skits on albums at all, but I love hearing the A$AP Mob try to one up each other on who is the coziest. This is a great mix tape.

Good news for you then that you now know where they'll both be (filming season 9 of Curb)

I definitely thought that it would be revealed that there was already someone living there and was trying to scare them away

Man, Dennis Reynolds sure let himself go. I'm just surprised he integrated himself into the Polk family so easily…

Didn't Amanda Peet's teets (soooo sorry, I couldn't pass that up) already accomplish that in the Whole Nine Yards?