
"What is my purpose?" "You pass butter. You make a feeble attempt at continuing a beloved/popular sitcom, but fail miserably." "Oh my god."

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I could almost see him being viewed as a suspect in it all if he is the final/sole survivor just because he was most likely either with the Woods Witch or under her protection.

The only reason I can think of for Matt to come back to the house is that his time with the Woods Witch (Lady Gaga) has some type of hold on him and he was either "called" back by her or he just "wants" to be back with her.

I'm certain it's going to be revealed that Jyn's dad purposely designed the Death Star to leave the exhaust port open and accessible to leave a weak spot for our favorite whiny moisture farmer kid to take advantage of.

I have a feeling it's going to come down to Cartman having to undo all of his progress to save the day in some way. He'll be right back to his old ways by the end of the season, but I expect it'll be in some satirical twist in which he has to go back to being the Cartman he's always been.

What are the chances of us getting a Blade & Moon Knight Netflix series with a cover of "Ebony and Ivory" recorded by T-Bone Burnett as the title song?

I personally was pretty happy to see that the crossover aspect of this wasn't too particularly forced. I was kind of dreading this week as it seemed like some network initiative that was pushed on both shows, but it worked because at the end of the day, it was really just another episode of New Girl (of which I am

You blow (up) nothing, jon snow

Yes we all read the comic books

I'm really not sure how I feel about Agents of Shield, BUT I feel like the new Ghost Rider would be a great addition to the Defenders. I'm aware the Defenders is going for a "street level" thing, but I think he'd add a lot to the team visually and for bringing interest up in the whole thing

If you haven't seen her in Flight of the Conchords, definitely check that out (I believe there's only 20 episodes or so for the whole series). She was so amazing in that and I think that was my first real introduction to her.

I'm surprised Fred from Honolulu didn't pop up in the background

Yes summer technically doesn't end on Labor Day (according to the calendar), but with kids going back to school and all of the parks/pools closing on and around Labor Day, it sure feels like the end of summer to me.

I thought for sure there was going to be a reveal that she died in her room and that's why she was in there all day. I was totally expecting a scene of her body being wheeled out on a gurney with Russell sitting in the background with a shit eating grin on his face.

Memba when we didn't let droids into cantinas?

Bring it. Also, I can't add one because I refuse to upgrade to Discus. I will keep my AV Club Account until they pry it from my cold, dead commenting fingers


Josh is also a caller and friend to the Best Show, for those that would be interested in such information

I really really like this show a lot, but where the fuck did they get the name Amantha from? In my 31 years on this Earth I've never met anyone or heard of anyone (other than the Rectify character) with that name. Did they mean Samantha and they forgot the S and just rolled with it?

I use my avclub account too. I can't add a picture and can't see notifications anymore, but they'll have to pry it from my cold, dead commenting fingers.