
Make sure you print to pdf though, you don't want to try to print from the browser

I have been eagerly anticipating this album. Can't wait to listen to it. I was hoping that "Worth It" would've appeared on here (his song with Danny Brown that was released as an Adult Swim single)

While I do agree, I would argue that due to Cassidy's age I'm sure he can pick out the "good ones" pretty quickly and efficiently by now, or at the very least, the ones that pique his interest

Marijuana watch it together?

That's what waterproof paint is for

Did we learn nothing after all those boy scouts were kidnapped when UP came out?

I wonder who is going to play the cat that Shadow fucks?


Those dingoes must've been awful Hungary

Where's Too $hort?

Yeah there's a version that started off with Jon Arryn and includes his death as well as the death of Ned's father and his brother Brandon by the Mad King.


Aerys' face isn't seen during the Jaime portions, so I wasn't sure if the shots of Aerys sitting on the throne were recycled and they used a double for the Jaime parts in.

I'm curious if the Mad King stuff was filmed this season or reused from the original pilot

More topless Ruby Rose?

Never Forget.

Bobby Canavale impressed me so much with that role. He seemed like this jocky, bro guy, but was really really good in this. I haven't seen the movie in a long time, but I have very fond memories of it.

You jest, but honestly when I heard he was voicing Krang, that pretty much made me want to see it. I loved TMNT when I was a kid and skipped the first (new) one, but I was intrigued by this sequel and Fred voicing Krang was enough to rope me in. I still might see it though. It's probably a "perfect storm" that appeals

Oh weird. That's how it is in NY (usually). I've never left a car lot without plates (either with new plates or the plates from the trade-in)

They probably just put his plates from whatever car he traded in on it, as is common practice.