
Shit, you're right. In my defense, even though I did dabble in FF comics, the majority of what I know of Doom's origin came from MF Doom's "Operation: Doomsday" album


There is (I shit you not) at least one anti-circumcision truck that drives around NYC with messages written on it about not consenting to being circumcised. I had the "pleasure" of seeing it in person last week in Manhattan in SoHo.

Looking forward to hearing it!

I'm really looking forward to seeing the Path when it's all aired. I'd prefer to binge it. I wish Hulu would follow suit with other streaming services and release them all at once. At least this way I can sign up for it for a couple months, burn through what I want to, then cancel it again.

For me, it's currently Andrew Bird. I've been aware of him for awhile and haven't checked him out. With his new album out, I've started working backwards through his discography.

Yes, I listen to the Best Show also. *slide whistle*

Oooooooo that beach shot. I'm really digging this trailer. I wasn't necessarily too excited about this movie, but consider my interested firmly piqued.

I believe that he actually isn't a dick. He just knows the role that he is expected to play by those who are better attorneys than he is and/or those that are more seasoned than he is. He has accepted his lot in life and sticks to it. He's the exact opposite of Jimmy/Saul. No matter how hard Jimmy/Saul tries to fit a

They could reconnect post what we're seeing of the very brief flashes of his Cinnabon life. The story we're watching each week is clearly a prequel to the BB series and it could eventually catch up to where he is currently (post BB) and possibly forward from there. As we've seen, there's been a few flashes of his

…unless they somehow reconnect Post-BB… Lest we forget that Jimmy/Saul is now a Cinnabon manager in Omaha, Nebraska. In this episode we learn that Kim is from the Kansas-Nebraska border area. Coincidence? (maybe. but maybe not…)

Replied to wrong comment

Unless someone comes up with a Fresco take on it

Well that's some fuckery. Doesn't make much sense, but I guess corporations gonna corporate, so who knows. You'd think if they exist in the same "universe" it shouldn't be a big deal.

Legal reasons? I could be way off base here, but it's not like Netflix doesn't have the rights to be using the characters and the fact that the series' ARE tied to the greater MCU of the films indicates to me that there wouldn't be issues of legality. It's one thing for SONY (I know, I know this has been recently

Not to get all rideshare hoity toity over here, but I believe Doug was driving for Lyft (per the pink mustache). Also, how great was it that Kendall's gal friend was just watching her and Doug hook-up with a cold, dead stare while she was kissing her guy friend (didn't catch Kendall's friends' names)?

"Mmmm notes of MSG and powdered beef". Ooooooh look at Mr. Harvard fancy pants over here with his fancy powdered beef ramen.

I'm pretty sure he released songs for the other bounty hunters and their rides, but they were nowhere close to Fette's Vette. I could check to confirm, but eh, fuck it. My first experience with MC Chris was on Aqua Teen Hunger Force and I think my only other experience was hearing Fette's Vette, followed by trying to

January Jones sure likes to shoot guns (see: this episode, Mad Men (ep. 9, season 1), and Sweetwater)