
Yeah when I first heard that he'd be writing Iron Man 2, I became very interested in him. I can't think of anyone else who acts in such a variety of things (drama, comedy, television) as well as he does, is a very good looking dude, and writes projects that he's not in and/or directing. It's a weird mix, but he

Central NY represent

Gullah Gullah or GTFO

I get to experience this on November 7th! Is it as exciting as you make it sound?

Sean pouring water on his iPhone because it was "sick" may be the greatest thing to ever happen to podcasts. He was just so into the bit and going along with it that it didn't even matter that no one could see it happening. If Hayes and Scott didn't comment on it, the listeners wouldn't have even known it was

No, but the kind folk selling it threw in a "dag" with the deal

According to a post I saw on r/BlackTwitter, SpongeBob turned 29 on 7/14 per his driver's license. I thought that was interesting because I'm 30 and don't have my shit together nearly as much as a sponge who lives in some fruit under a nuclear testing area.

Is no one going to call out the fact that her name is Rikki and not Niki? I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS!!!

Yes but when they say it, it's spelled "morouns"

I've been listening to the pcast since the early episodes (on Indie 103) and I am a big fan of it, but I have a difficult time getting into the television show. It just seems like a truncated version of the podcast to me.

I refuse to believe a wife would reach the rank of Col. Not in my America.

There's one in every crowd…

Weird episode on many levels