
When I was kid playing Tee Ball, I remember a kid on the other team swung so hard and missed that the bat circled around and hit him in his own nuts.

No Country for Dumb and Dumber.


One of the many things I loved so much about Alias Grace was the manner in which it unapologetically indicted the story’s “nice guys” as complicit in her abuse by showing so clearly how they got off on her narrative of endless trauma.    

Yeah...this is not what that data indicates.

It’s like if Elliot Ness was putting together a watertight tax evasion case, and then Capone got knifed by a hooker.

The fact that these russia loving, humanity hating, classless, cultureless, chinless, dickless, spineless, Garland Merrick blocking, scheming, semi-sentient, greedy blobs of shit with horrible HORRIBLE fitting skin suits have the gall to call anyone else in the entirety of Democracy obstructionist fills me with so

The most unsettling part is how quickly he turns to assisting her. Picking up her purse, attempting to put her glasses back on. It’s that sort of, “I’m so nice, why do you make me do this?” behavior. The power dynamic of abusers is absolutely chilling.

On one hand, this thieving asshole nation doesn’t belong anywhere near a legitimate competition for a decade.

On the other, watching this dipshit OAR charade play out to gold medals in marquee events shows that the IOC is the greater den of thieves.

We channel all our rage into ice sports. Hockey, figure skating, curling. You’ve never seen incandescent fury until you’ve seen a friendly gathering of portly, middle-aged, sweetheart-looking Canadians all shrieking, “SWEEP! SWEEEEEEEP!” at a TV.

Voluntarily going into a hot tub with someone does not mean you also consent to sex. The only time someone consents to sex is *when they consent to sex.*


It’s the idealized lives that people present via their Facebook pages that annoy the shit out of me. I’ll admit my wife and I got a perverse kick out of checking out the perfect Facebook updates from couples we knew hated each other and were having poorly concealed affairs, or where the husband had just been fired

As women, we need to re-examine all of our sexual experiences. How many of them occurred because of coersion? How many of them occurred because we are trained to be nice? How many occurred because we internalized the idea that it’s our job to dress up and titillate men? Have you ever asked yourselves why men

Okay, so all we have to do is find someone with Public and private sector experience, experience in legislating and foreign policy, with a comprehensive and intersecting platform that covers everything from rural and urban renewal, to renewable energy to criminal justice and immigration reform with a strong push

on the plus side anyone with constipation in the state was cured miracly

Don’t go by this post, which is completely out of the blue. Roiphe is not a second wave feminist, and arguably not a feminist at all.

I’m not an expert, but the way I always defined them was: First Wave was the suffragettes, who were demanding basic civil rights for women. Second wave was in the 60s and 70s, and they were demanding full legal equality with men, especially not being barred from male-dominated careers. Third Wave feminists are

I’ve always defined third-wavers as the ones who let legislatures erode our abortion rights so they could talk about how much they liked porn, but that’s probably not what you’re looking for.