*MUCH* more durable than SmartWool. the Smartwool’s are great when they are new, DarnToughs are *STILL* great after two or three years.
*MUCH* more durable than SmartWool. the Smartwool’s are great when they are new, DarnToughs are *STILL* great after…
I used to swear by WrightSocks until I met DarnTough.
I used to swear by WrightSocks until I met DarnTough.
I have four pairs of these. I may buy more. They are *THEBEST*
I have four pairs of these. I may buy more. They are *THEBEST*
I;ve owned several pairs of IceBreakers, their cold weather socks are excellent and *VERY* warm, but for an everyday sock DarnToughs are superior on the wear and fit front.
I;ve owned several pairs of IceBreakers, their cold weather socks are excellent and *VERY* warm, but for an everyday…
Anything with the name “DarnTough” embroidered on it’s toe, if you don’t know already, they are simply the best socks that money can buy. <— thats a period.
Anything with the name “DarnTough” embroidered on it’s toe, if you don’t know already, they are simply the best…
/Continues to feel smug in his choice to be a “casual” “real” gamer and buy a PS4 rather than spending $$$$ on a gaming PC rig.
Nice price for $5000, but there’s too much rust, ugly paint and flayed interior for the $9,300 asking price. Reluctant crack pipe... I bet this thing is a hoot to drive.
pretty much
Oh, these crazy bastards. Their entire youtube channel is full of shit like this. They’re pretty much the red-neckier-more-electricty-centric lower-production-value version of Colin Furze. Crazy Brits.
another fact pointed out by this video: pigs are excellent swimmers, and totally shit at jumping.
Fact: Pigs are excellent swimmers, and shitty jumpers.
It’s been said a bunch already, but I’ll add my version:
lets call my answer hyperbole, and leave it at that...
Except BoP already makes this essentially the way the race is decided.
That Alfa up top pretty much answers your question in my oppinion. The 105/115 Spider is comfortable, simple, sturdy, classic, quick enough, fun to drive, looks good (especially the earlier years) and is surprisingly reliable. I’d trust a Spider to start and run well on any given day over anything British, be it Weber…