It's because eveyone uses nano and sublime text anymore... we're showing our age...
It's because eveyone uses nano and sublime text anymore... we're showing our age...
My Ex-Girlfriend's dad tows a 7000lb (loaded) enclosed car hauler with his Toureg TDI and returns nearly 26MPG on highway cruises with that load hooked up. The Toureg is also de-limited and chip-tuned and holds several venue records in the "stock diesel truck" class for standing mile.
actually, the 14cyl version is a quad-turbo...
there's a car?
I'm pretty sure thats a Bugatti, dude...
Everybody wants the D.
The problem is that Russia (Or atleast Putin) is still living in the 80's and though thier nukes may be that old (or older) they still mostly work. The fact that they think they are importnat enough to push people around makes them and any interaction we have with them dangerous.
well, they gave us a manual...
You and me both. best car I ever owned... I'm reserving calling out the FieSTa as better becuase it doesn't have over 400K miles on it yet. (which is what my S had when we parted ways)
My thoughts exaclty.
The car has very obviously been in a (by the look of it minor, but nonetheless) front-end colision -look at the headlights and hood gap, the 164 came from the factory better put together than that- and had the dash dissasembled and reasembled (poorly I might ad). Also the droopy rear bumper makes me think it was…
I want it, but I don't want to pay 15-large for it with a respray and god-know-what-else. Reluctant crack pipe :/
Tell that to my 450,000 mile Alfa 164-S.
Thats where you're wrong. It has been RUNINED. I mean, the greasy bits seem to all be well cared for and claimed in excellent operating condition, which means it will be amazing to drive, but LOOK AT IT!!!!!
You bastards, you RUNINED it.
listening to The Police right now... it must be synchronicity! (surely not Regata de Blanc!)