
As far as I’m aware, it was announced before Steel Rising even, but yes it does seem inconvenient to have 2 steampunk Paris soulslikes in parallel development. Especially since this looks way more polished than SR

They have gone after already dominant IPs when it was feasible for them, they just can’t afford to do it as often or in as large a scale as Microsoft, so they have to be more strategic.

I dislike exclusives in any context as much as the next guy, but there’s a significant difference between buying smaller studios and funding their new exclusive projects yourself (Sony) and buying juggernaut studios so you can lock down their already dominant IPs (MS).

Take pity on us. Many of us are trying to make it better but we’re surrounded by absolute scum who don’t want it so.

Lol found my post from 2 years ago where i said the same thing. Felt like deja vu.

Honestly this sounds like everything I want from a new Skate. A chill skateboarding game that takes place in a big city where everyone is hanging out and skating. Sign me up.

Isn’t that a bit of an apples and oranges comparison? Human rights vs. microtransactions in a game?

That wasn’t criticism, though. That was shittiness.

Judging by the front page I think it's the case that for 12 hours he was the only one running Kotaku, likely to allow regular staffers the 4th of July off, while being paid freelance (low) rates. 

It was a mocking joke. That’s not how valid criticism works.

It never ceases to amaze me how people can’t just scroll past an article they have no interest in. Instead, they click on it and post a comment. It’s like walking down the street and seeing a guy with an “I’ll punch you in the throat if you want” sign and instead of saying no thanks and walking by, they get punched in

This is the strangest internet argument I’ve seen this week.

I have never seen a bigger set of fuckbois than the innumerable “easy for them to say!” Commenters.

It’s almost like the first game slowed the pacing way down because the Midgar section had a ton of unused potential (and let’s be honest, having the first part be in one city helped keep production simpler), and from here they’ll simply pick up the pace a bit. I’m not sure why some people think 50 hours in Midgar

“The media is being particularly unfair in highlighting the dozens upon dozens of issues we have, which keep being identified the longer we’re in the light as they aren’t buried that deep down. It’s really unfair - if they didn’t shine a light, they wouldn’t be able to see all our issues. See? We’re suffering by being

Any chance/word of a PC release of the OG trilogy?

I have played a bunch of platformers, and I really don’t think Sands of Time was as copied as you say. Running along the walls and such was new, and I haven’t seen that in many places, and the rewinding of time was copied by a couple of games but not that many. I think it would still feel unique even if it were made

I played 4 again last year and yeah, it needs this refresh in my opinion. It really feels the seventeen years old it is. Feels clunky as hell and certainly not a looker. Still fun, but needs some major adjustment and I can’t say I’d recommend it to anyone who didn’t play it at the time.

The only Resident Evil game I’ve put any real effort into playing, and had to do so from the middle of the room, constantly looking over my shoulder, with all the lights on because it scared the fucking hell out of me.

Well I’m fucking stoked. RE4 was my favourite, and I won’t say no to a redo.