
I haven’t played many FF games beyond finishing 7, 8, and crisis core. None of the other games really caught my attention. Then I saw the trailer for 16. I went out and bought a PS5 GoW edition specifically for this game. I loved the demo, so I’m not disappointed that I preordered the full game a week or 2 ago. I’m

Random complaint about kinja and the amount of ads on the website.

It wasn’t until late last year that I played through the entire series for the first time. All 4 games back to back. Have to admit, it’s a great series and I wish I would have played them sooner.  Some of the best voice acting in any game I've ever played.

Had this happen to a user yesterday.  Fixed it by doing a “Quick Repair” of the office suite.

Excitedly buying games and never even unwrapping the plastic they came in. Instead, opting to play games I’ve played through many, many times before (Dragon Age 1&2, Titanfall 2, GTA IV). I can’t wait to eventually, one day, perhaps, possibly, maybe play Ghost of Tsushima...it’s sitting all nice and pretty, unopened,

Why not just throw the shrimp in the pan while frozen? I’m assuming because you have to stand there a bit longer and that takes away from the laziness...

Let me preface my comment by saying: I’m no mechanic, just a hobbyist.

Of course the tweets weren’t racist, they were against white people.

The only times cars have saved our lives (mine, my families, the other drivers/animals involved) are when the vehicle performed EXACTLY as I needed it too in that situation:

I’m generally not afraid of spiders, but that would freak me out. We usually save the wolf spiders that wonder into our home and throw them outside, but kill the recluses.

This story’s got my blood boiling. If I were in that situation, my daughter would not have been able to get a word in...I would have flipped my shit right there in front of everyone.

It’s for holding the MOT tax disc.