All I’m saying is that Rex is one letter away from ‘Sex’ while Romo is almost ‘Homo.’
All I’m saying is that Rex is one letter away from ‘Sex’ while Romo is almost ‘Homo.’
The TSA is a bunch of uniforms with X-ray machines and metal detectors. DHS may contain them, but to write “TSA” does not imply the broad powers ascribed to DHS; it was surely not TSA who Ali was speaking to at the ticketing counter. Of course, if you had read the articles and if you gave a fuck about the topic and…
Aren’t standards and expectations pretty much the same thing? Aren’t you expected to meet standards? If you fail to meet standards, your are failing to live up to expectations. I guess you could say you could live up to standards and fail to meet expectations if your were expecting to more than meet the standards.…
Well, he didn’t knock the everloving dog-shit out of the meter maid as far as we know, so there’s progress. Either way, how will I know how I’m supposed to feel about it until the video comes out?
So this is where the buck stops.
Please tell me you have video of the victory speech where he says he’ll use the money to pay for school, and eventual to help everybody in the inner city and Africa.
I think deadspin suffers from more confirmation bias than any website I’ve ever been to. A guy says he and his team (notice the repeated use of words like “we” and “us”) have to work their butts off, but somehow that’s interpreted as him calling all of his teammates garbage.
“Uh, yeah, my name is...Billy. Uh, Billy......Football.”
There’s no “arguably” to it- no 4-year starting QB has stats anywhere near Reggie’s- I’ll never knock the kid, he gave his all every game but a competent coach would have beenched him at some point especially considering his numbers actually regressed as he went further into his career.