
Wait, are you saying my kitty DOESN'T have claws capable of wrecking everything in my house?

Who are you? The creature's words echoed inside his mind.

I mean, it is an anime. You really should have. And if you are that afraid of boobs (Or the evil idea of men obsessing over them, which seems to be the point of the gag) you should stay away from the medium all together.

You were expecting deep social maturity reflecting a certain set of values from a show called 'Space Dandy'?

Sadly, Doom can't get much more brutal than this..

I'm glad I'm married and no longer sexually active.

In your hearts, you know I'm right.

Hikaru Ichijyo of the SDF-1 (Macross original)

Oh, that sun.

Now playing

No combination of silly mods will ever top this:

Awesome short, makes me see my neighbours in a new light. Now we need a little something to change the..um...taste:

Obligatory XKCD referec—wait. He actually covered this a little bit ago.

Pretty spot on. The fight choreography really shines but the voice acting is kind of whiny and most of the characters are just tropes. The villains especially are way too cartoony even for a show like this; you can't really take them as serious threats at all. The humor is hit or miss, some of it is funny and some of

However, that is not to say that the characters are unlikable or unsalvageable. Rather, this first season has done an adequate job of building a character base—full of stereotypes as it may be—that subsequent seasons can build upon.

In general, the art style of RWBY (computer animated anime-style) works quite well—as long as you can’t see the feet. When the characters are walking or running, they never seem to move the right distance for the size of their leg movements. It makes them seem like they are either trying to run on ice (and are getting