
Kudos to you for this one :D

Actually to be quite honest (and after scrolling down thru so many many other clear winners), i have to say i forgot about this! Pure win! And this has to be the harshest world to live in... remember how the 4th(?) book opened up with a pregnant deer who was just beginning to show signs of less mutation, and whose

If you can erase the last rushed/convenient/absurdly-neat-wrap-up S1 episode from my memory, and tell me i was in a car crash and just recently woke up from a coma to see an unspoiled S2 this friday, then yes i would be hyped :)

Here here! One of my favourite movies to date!

lol Grog Hill! Yes that was the name, but let me tell you, when i had nearly finished the game and had looked for stuff in the deep dungeons, i went back there and fought them with just a chocobo and Ramza equipped with Dual-wield, 2x Excaliburs, Hamido and zero Faith. I honestly can't remember if the low Faith worked

Hence the term "pleasantly surprised" ;) , i mean have you ever watched the show? The woman is almost always in a form-fitting dress of some kind lol. That's why i love this change up into something simple and elegant.

For such a curvaceous/voluptuous woman (as displayed in New Girl), i'm pleasantly surprised by this outfit. I mean, it doesn't flatter her curves at all, but it's simple and beautiful. Nice :)

No dude, that's just how it is =/

This looks entirely badass.. but whats' the catch? Looking on Amazon and a few other sites i notice the image-throw distance is unknown. As much as we like 165-inch viewing screens, we also need to know the throw distance.

When at last they came for me, I was pushed into a room adorned entirely with human skin, wall to wall... save for one bare spot...

As far as i remember it's not only CO2 that the mosquitoes detect, and i'm sure the little buggers will adapt. Blood suckers have lived since the age of the dinosaur, ain't nobody gonna stop them from getting to a nice piece of sweet hairless ape blood.. that stuff just trickles up the proboscis like nectar to their

Oh! Thanks for reminding me that there is a sequel to Interworld that i need to get :D

Holy crap... going to have to bookmark this page for sure 0_o, so much recommendations!

If it had been left at that i would have sworn off Korra forever. The series went so so well, then they sped it up and compressed it down into the last episode?!

The Mordesh look a bit much like night-elf zombies lol, but i've been sold on Wildstar for a long time... in fact watching the original trailer and reading about it led to me leaving an otherwise stale and dreary WoW life.... thank goodness i did or i wouldn't be playing Firefall :D

Where is that even from? I must watch that clip just for that fight alone! :D

How soon do you think this technology will (if it can) replace today's camera arms and extenders and cranes and etc. being used in todays' movie making? Because that footage was quite smooth (not totally, but we'll get there soon), and i can envision camera shots from angles and places that wouldn't even be possible

Awww, i actually scrolled down to see it. It, and all the associated magicalragehateflamespew that went along with it, made for some light entertainment.

Pretend what doesn't exist? *winks and nudges conspiratorially*

Meh, she's a'ight. Got a kinda unorthodox gorgeousness to her... personally still crushing on Hannah Simone from New Girl until i next see Babita doing news on BBC World... *le sigh* >_>