Hey now, what does that mean? January? Spill... SPILL DAMN YOU!
Hey now, what does that mean? January? Spill... SPILL DAMN YOU!
I wish the game werent' so cheating... freaking Sectopods shooting me thru a freaking wall, and critting me... not to mention all the pissant aliens like sectoids and thin men suddenly getting massively more accurate even when i have the higher ground and full cover -_-
Sheep will be sheep. No use crying over spilt milk... tho i must confess i was going to get one until i saw the dismal specs (i could get better stuff on an Android tablet)
Oy, what about the poor sod who had to stay out of the cryo-tubes to starve to death o_0... that's no way to go (but it couldn't be Rush either, because he was the most favourite douchebag i've ever seen... even in 28 weeks later he was a bastard lol)
This is an absolute lolfest. Can you put Borderlands 2 or X-COM: EU on a tablet?
*runs out of nails to bite, starts gnawing on keyboard* 0_O
Here here. Although you know there are people who would /wrists over a light disparity that measures in the fraction of a fraction lol.
I can't see how the storage could be a problem... yes you're going backpacking into the Amazon on your own for 10 years, but do you really need to store every frickin book from the Library of Congress on your Kindle?
Clover Trail? Cedar Trail? Valley View? Ivy Bridge? WTF, where are they getting these names from, Oregon? lol
There is nothing NSFW about a picture implying breast cancer. It is a simple picture with no sort of erotic connotations if you have even an inkling of what breast cancer and the preventative/screening measures entail.
I would hope Kim learned his lesson well and will have precautions this time since the Fed will be breathing down his neck like an eager lover.
Come on, you guys know you love this shit. Giz is our re-affirmation of common sense :D
Some of us just like to have our stuff in pristine condition at all times :3
- Ruby and Emerald Weapons from FF7, even at level-frickin-99.
Oh nice, does it also have some sort of special shock-absorbant surfaces that can prevent broken bones when said-same waves smash you against unyielding concrete structures? Or drops you down a 1-2 story drop?
Thanks for the tips! Really stoked to play this game but i have to wait another 2 days for it to get here. Not entirely enthused that i would be better off playing with friends (you only have to ask your best friend about Mario and get a blank look to know you're soloing), but random co-op sounds doable.
Or you could just call a buddy, any buddy, to hold your spot for 1-2 hours while you go and get a bath?
Amen to that. If it breathes 1's and 0's, it's hackable.
*builds bridge for you to hide under*
Kickstart this please. Just make it an action movie based on the Empire's pov and i can see the crowdfunding surging already.