Perfect makes me to sense. Excelsior.
Perfect makes me to sense. Excelsior.
Personally i'm tired of the literal slew of rehashed Grimm's tales turned into movies or TV shows. Would love a bit more fantasy from other cultures: Caribbean, African, Asian, Indian, Native American, South American/Amazonian (indigenous and pseudo-European) and of course Arabic. In fact isn't the River about the…
That's forward thinking that is!
Yes, we know this looks like a snowflake's chance in hell, but let's see how this one plays out before we scream bloody murder!
So.. you're going to eat at a restaurant everyday? Hohoho, very good sir! Welcome once again to Le Pantalons Fancie, will monsieur be having ze usual stuffed swan kidneys and pickled dolphins in lemony glacier ice?? And for ze lady, perhaps a 1977 Bordeaux? Oui oui, but of course!
lolol Well said. IMO the main disadvantage/advantage of the Kindle devices is that they're tied to the Amazon ecosystem. But when all you do on an one iPad can also be done on 3 Kindles (without the inherent screaming, fighting and fisticuffs that go along with the…
Now now, don't hate! :) Matt's right in some aspects as the books were not exactly easy to get into (Hobbit was great and fun, but the Fellowship took me several tries just to get past the opening history bits lol).
I'm into everything below a woman's waist in general; legs, hips, thighs, buns (case in point my best friend is top-heavy, but has none of the other attributes i like, which makes for a healthy friendship lol).
Hey, i don't know about you but i like my "threat to all life in the universe" chicks to be meek! I really hope they at least flesh out that interesting bit of info later on in the show though... there are only 4 of them so i'm sure character development will come fast and furious (along with supervillains).
Hrmmm, i prefer the original still =/
Would love something like this so i can enjoy hanging out with my women friends more. Some of them like to wear reeeeeeally short skirts or shorts and i absolutely go ape-shit over toned, luscious, glowing legs and thighs... *shudder*
Slight spoiler! Sandman still is one of my favourite graphic novels, but i absolutely hated the fact that the Furies literally got away with murder. Yeah i know Death was pissed and basically told them she'd be waiting for them at the end of time or some such, but still, i like the old Sandman. I'm saying this from a…
Ah so what you're saying is that the fiber may be 1000g now, but that's only because of current hardware in use at both ends. The fiber itself (as you said fiber is fiber) is not necessarily limited to just 1000g, but should be able to attain higher speeds in the future depending on upgraded hardware.. ok thanks for…
Your guess is as good as mine. I always assumed that the default Android browser was either built-on, or a mobile version of Google Chrome. I haven't gotten an Android tablet as yet, but i still hear Dolphin HD is the very best browser for that OS, so hopefully Google won't shame themselves by releasing a browser for…
Bah, what's the worst that can happen?
THIS. I want to know exactly what the hell happened after the Emperor's toy blew the hell up. As far as i remember the rebel fleet was heavily outnumbered, and i'm reasonably sure ranking officers on board the Star Destroyers didn't sign up for peace and a universal health plan.
Hear, hear. Or at least allow weapons to degrade very slowly AND/OR allow a weapon to have a nice bonus until it get's into 10% durability, then you have incentive to repair it (and the act of repairing could bestow another temporary bonus)... in fact just nix repairing altogether and be done with it! lol
Is it still too expensive to be laying down 10 or 100 gigabit fiber instead of just 1 gigabit? I thought 100 meg was laid down like a decade or more ago, and that the next big upgrade/new-project for any cable infrasrtucture would be at least 10 g :(
If "Tentacles" was made in Japan, i'm not so sure that's a good way to start your phone apps lol
By the Gods! You are a most wondrous Truthspeaker!