How Fortune Cookies Explain American Politics
How Fortune Cookies Explain American Politics
Remember when cell phones became popular and everyone started recording everything and there ended up being a countless number of videos displaying blatant racism over a bunch of years and white people stop denying America is predominately racist and did everything to eradicate it?
Also, even if gender presentation was “stable over time,” which it isn’t, their need to police it in the first place lays bare how incoherent their political philosophy actually is.
This is an excellent example of a young person with maturity, intelligence, and the ability for critical thinking. We don’t owe wypipo nothing. It’s time they faced the harsh reality they created and take responsibility.
All you Christians can turn the other cheek, but I’m not forgetting or forgiving. I’m open to reconciliation talks that will elucidate the Manifest Destiny of this country and how Indigenous tribes and Black Americans are due reparations, but that’s as far as I’ll go. To those unwilling to learn and accept the facts,…
Not nearly enough stars!!!!!
From the bottom of my ballsack, fuck you.
This brother says it all:
This take is the correct take. Fuck the feelings of those incapable of feeling anything outside of their own self-serving desires. Ignore them and work on making this country better, creating a more equitable voting system (ALL systems, really) and getting more non-voters to the polls.
Totally, and to add to that- the whole idea of financial assistance for food is to allow accessibility to food for the disadvantaged, and the idea of only “healthy” food being accessed is the equivalent of saying “poor people shouldn’t have access to the food we consider treats or vices”. It’s an amazingly…
That woman is a fuc*in hero! Her flamethrower knows no match lol....all them salty mf’s was burned to ash after that roast! That was the perfect balance of wit, disdain, and righteousness delivered via monologue! It was like Richard Pryor youngest daughter got a mic and let loose lol!
Not gonna say that female rappers have it easy, but rappers in general are pitted against each other because that’s always been a part of rap. Also, lets not act like these rappers don’t sneak diss or talk trash about each other in interviews social media, don’t put all the blame on the industry. And as far as one…
Hmmm, these cops are so fragile that they can’t even keep from going on racist rants, and yet we’re supposed to trust them with authority and guns.
Which translates to simply, “I’m all that matters.”
It reminds me of that movie with Chris Rock “Head of State” where he ends up running for President against some white douche-bag who’s signature campaign line is “God bless America, and no place else!”
That, to me, is Trump’s “appeal” in a nutshell: he tells people that they should never, EVER, need to sacrifice anything for anyone else. From wearing a mask to considering climate change, he encourages us all to think about our own comfort first, last, and always.
respect my rights and no one else’s
A bit ironic how much white people scream about erasing the history of the racists who actually have tried to erase the history of Black and Native Americans. It’s almost like that projection is a trend...