
Wasn't there a whore with jizz dribbling out of her mouth in season 1?

I don't recommend The Notebook.

El Diablo Robotico!

I think the charm go lost once it passed the two hour mark, and then kept going.

There is a much better video of Paris Hilton getting a pole in her skull, the difference is the hole was already there.

I remember Thora Birch.

Worse than Half Baked?

I believe it was because Carpenter got pregnant and didn't tell Whedon till a little too late in the game causing the season needing to be rewritten at the last minute to incorporate pregnant Cordelia.

The parts with naked boobies, obviously.

At the time, on purpose, but now, ironically. I watched a couple hours last year and had to turn it off when they started an Abba video.

Remember when E.T. came out on VHS and everyone had to have it? My family got three copies of that for Christmas that year.

Oh my god, a high school buddy of mine had one of those, at least his parents did, and one of the movies they had was the Bo Derek Tarzan movie. We watched parts of that a bunch.

There are laser disc rips for sale on eBay!

35mm film is higher def than Blu-ray.

You can use a tuner card on a PC to record VHS. A bunch of them come with RCA adapters and recording software. Then you will have them on your HDD and you won't have to worry about discs.

Ha, I have a bunch of episodes of VH1's 8-Track Flashback on VHS.

Some records sound better than some CDs. Depends on the recording.

I remember constantly seeing Green Jelly (Jello) CDs in the resale section.

I have bought many used CDs from Amazon for just a couple bucks and never more than $5, so you could probably get about 30 albums. Then you could sell them after you rip them.

I usually ask for cola as well for you stated reason.