
I would say that I am one of those old school vanilla wow people. Still hold on to my Pally Tier 2 Judgement armor and the long painful grind it was in those 40 mans. Though I will say is the game had to evolve if it did not it would of ended up like Everquest and that game is crap. I have not agreed with

The chart is also wrong Doxies are also there own classification because they have no equal they are one and only breed to be ableto to sniff out prey both above and underground. Intelligence is so subjective like everyone else states. People who cant train a doxie are people who dont understand the breed. They

Welcome to 6 months ago when this was new. It is a horrible theory. It makes too many far leaps and simply over reaching on a few silly easter eggs in the movies.

Yet I can turn on ESPN and watch world series of poker at 2am in the morning

Stop embarrassing your self.

Let just clarify one comment, OSX is based off of NextStep which is based off of NetBSD not FreeBSD. Not all BSDs are created equal though I am a fan of FreeBSD.

Because your a barbie girl?

Any large state is like that. Texas and California and New York are very similar. Hell at this point I dont even know why we have states.

There are more then two states of Florida.

Where's boats 1-15 and why is it not in Chinese?

Yes but you forget Diamonds have great catch phrases and theme music .... What does ebooks have going for it.

See problem is that boss'es dont want to hear how a few positive words can change someone outlook on there job.

That is called well done, there is such a thing a a good well done steak but most people are simply too dumb to know how to cook one with out turning it into shoe leather. Most Americans like medium to medium rare. If you think that video is bad then you dont want to ever order a steak black and blue. Few

As a owner of many Jeeps , a 08 compass being one of them. I will first admit is is not my most off road capable Jeep. Though it comes down to two things driving skill and being a little rough and tumble when need be. One day while in upstate NY I pissed off some friends because I bought my fat kid eating pie

While it is a mute point it does have refrig... That is a sandwich machine. Look above the cans. While I only seen a few in my lifetime as there kinda rare compared to the sandwich machines. I seen ones like this in waiting room areas at hospitals. The other time I was at a rest stop in VA.

It is funny that you say that. My oldest friend Andrew use to say that all the time.

First off I like to tell you to take your compass comments and shove them where the sun does not shine.

1. People did complain about World of Warcraft's DRM engine known as Warden.

You never know they could be. I was in china and picked up what was looked like a motorola Droid 2 but found out that it was 99.9% real just the parition table was different caused issue with droid2 roms. had he VZ wireless logo and everything ... Very high quality and conviencing knock off so I dont put anything

Pair of Sim card slots means it almost 99% fake. Only phones that have dual sims are chinese knock offs.