
You forgot the amazing Black Hills Spruce ( from the black hills of SD ) but farmed all over.  They have a much softer needle then a normal blue spruce but have this dark blue green color ( due to the copper in the black hills  area) ( farming they just water with a copper solution )  nice pleasent smell and long


if you want to have uconnect after the shut off. 

Jason apparently you do shitty reporting just like your buddy David Tracy. 3G was provided by Sprint for FCA now Stellantis makes and models. They have had a upgrade path for at least a year now. https://obd-guide.cloud.sdp.prod.iot.sprint.com/#/home

Paramount should just retcon who Sonic’s Dad is, and clearly there is only one choice which would explain his super powers. Segata

I know you said dont mention the xtype. I feel though as being a X-type owner it got a few things right and one of them is missing from the US/Canadian version of the car. Problem is that manual transmission is only available with the diesel engine and is special order from the UK ( I been looking into this as I

Mine is David Tracy. Why because he wrote the dumbest most idiotic piece on the Jeep Compass ever.

Hmm but no jeep trackhawk with its 707hp hellcat something wrong with that.

First off you prick I am tired of snobby assholes like your self picking on the MK. As someone who owns a 1954 M38A1 , 97 XJ, 99 WJ , 08 MK, which to this day I still own and maintain and I am tired of stupid closed minded people picking on the compass. The MK compass has some flaws it is not perfect, but neither is

Now playing

Ciara did a cover of Paint it black for some The last witch hunter. It actually my favorite rolling stones cover right now.

Umm Septic Shock is not a cleaner. It is enzyme/chemical shock for septic tanks ..... hence the name.

Working for an MSP I deal with a number of Doctors offices. Some are pretty cheap and have not upgraded from XP but there EMR software ( patient record keeping software ) has always been hosted in a Datacenter and the XP machines are just dumb terminals. Surprisingly these pass HIPPA audits.

More importantly why is he just reposting the same story from 4 years ago.

My problem is with this is the whole well it costs us more argument. Comcast is paying so very little for banwidth that the increase traffic some may bring does not offset all the money they are making over over priced internet. I pay 7 dollars a month bandwidth in a Datacenter where I have a 1gigbit connection I push

As a Florida Native and as a native to the Tampa Bay Area the pier foundation was crumbling and was going to be a potential safety hazard. The innovations in the new pier design are meant more so for our tendency of hurricanes then anything else.

So really what the BBC is telling us is that they needed 6 people to replace 3 people.

Patrick your an idiot. I mean that in the nicest way possible. No one buys cars to flip or as a long term investment are hear reading lifehacker. If anything you just insulted a bunch of crossover visitors from your sister site . More people then the above later buy a classic car do the love of the car not because

My parents went out and bought me all kinds of left handed things at a very early age. So I did not have to conform to right handed world. Guess what I write and I shoot with my left everything naturally felt better/easier with my right. My father was ambidextrous , my mother is a left but does alot of things with her

For the US addresses yes. Though Overnight a big package like that would be impossible for most countries. Alot of the supposed bugged equipment is overseas.

Who said anything about Sprint? When I had my Startac CDMA, it was with GTE Wireless which when Bell Atlantic Merged with GTE to form Verizon the tampa wireless market was sold to Alltel. I am unaware if Sprint ever had version of the StarTAC. Mine were always GTEWireless/Alltel which had the 800/850 bands.