
He's a really good dancer

Do you mean the original Firestarter with Drew Barrymore or the new remake called Logan?

Cities look emptier than usual, I'll wait a week to see the reception first.

It depends on how the council was set up when the company went public. Though even if Danny can technically revert the vote, it would damage the company's image with the stockholders (not that Danny would care) and he should abide by the rules or the company could lose its listing. That's why Joy can fight it legally,

Get Lundgren or Schwarzenegger, play it safe.

I automatically unfriend people who like Adam Sandler. No regrets.

The roci crew has gotten better every episode. Holden is a great tortured leader trying to stand by the right thing, Amos unphased about misery, Naomi as a smart character with a different perspective for the crew and Alex is just the most adorable pilot in sci Fi

Rosario Dawson has a mixed background, you can't just point it on black. She has Puerto Rican, Cuban, Irish, native American background.

Everyone outsmarting Batman, because he sucks as a detective in movies

I think the first 9 episodes of sense 8 are really bad.

First 3 episodes have so many bad decisions in production, but it picks up and it becomes watchable

Actually Reed used to be quite a compelling character, going so far as to sparing Galactus life thus being partially responsible for the Skrull planet destruction, which Reed acknowledges. Even his emotional complexity with feeling guilty about Ben's appearance and how his family is what's most important to him, even

I'm 4 episodes in and though the show is a bit slow, it is enjoyable to watch (mostly Faramir and the whole mystery behind him, they get the best scenes). The other Netflix shows had the strength that not only the heroics were good, but the heroes life was interesting to watch. Daredevil as a lawyer, JJ as a drunk

Arrow started fine, nothing impressive, but it found its footing around the mid season, mostly with the island flashbacks. Second season had done horrid arcs (mostly Laurel's badly handled alcoholism), but a great main villain in Deathstroke makes people forgive its shortcomings. After that, it has gotten

Drummer was the first time in my life I've felt attraction to an accent

A Ra's Al Ghul that looks like the actual comic book character?? Madness!

it took him 26 years to listen to the song 3 times and make sure of the theft

Is there a more beautiful star than Brie Larson? Talent, fun, class, integrity.

I just want to point out how beautiful in every sense was the scene with Julie.

She looked really different at the Netflix season of arrested development, I think she had some odd surgery, but you get used to it pretty quickly