
I think episode 6 is even better

They kill his dog in every episode

Sorceress from the future wants to compress time so she can destroy the Seed in its origin who are the only force stopping her from world domination. She does and gets defeated, but before dying gives her powers to another past sorceress, who now realizes she was evil and from the future and is now determined to

It was out October 1st in home video release, it's quite plausible

They were way better than CGI Jeff Bridges in Tron Legacy, but still uncanny valley. Young Tony Stark was perfect in civil war, but de ageing RDJ might have been easier with the guy still alive and present.

Could be only a voice part, as long as he didn't do it like in Destiny. Maybe the living tribunal

Mace said the senator had been doing "Cloak and Dagger" methods to hide her brother. Can we please get them both in the show?

I like when scripts don't thread on the same things. The hero always takes the moral high ground, so Raimy was about to let the guy live, but we had seen her attempt murder before and thinking she could get away with it, she did it anyway, thus establishing her as more than just a hero figure.

theres already a mean girls 2, i watched it on netflix


Prometheus is obviously Tommy resurrected by flashpoint, as he is the only character who hasn't come back

The show has been getting cornier every episode, which doesn't help when they try to raise the stakes in the nonsense overarching plot. Besides bringing already defeated villains makes them even less threatening.

Even though it's obvious Christa was inside that duffel bag, it looked quite creepy and realistic. Kudos to the art department.

I 'member

Hopkins is in an inordinate amount of movies where he fights bears, but that's alright. Hannibal sequels were worse. Gladl that the series corrected that.

I know, Gaspard Ulliel was the best Hannibal easily. His katana handling and motorcycle riding… why did he drop it when he got older?

What I like the best about Frequency is how having the 20 year gap concurrently, shows how crimes might be grim, sudden and brutal in the past, but in the future they changed lives forever for the victims, their families and even the criminals.

I think they've touched base on things that could extend the show. Moreno being the most obvious, but also Frank still being dead in the alternate timeline might become a new mystery and the sci fi hook with booger who allegedly created his own time radio could present a new villain with info from the far future

I don't know, the CW superhero shows don't do it for me anymore, the forced banter and arbitrary dumb decisions to insert moral dilemmas got tired. I just sort of watch flash now

'member avatar?