Javier Maidana

Yes Dana was a total drag. And to be fair she had much more screen time than Zack which was unbereable.

A good thing for the Eph character would have been if Zack was found dead after the blast. Tabula rasa.

I really was hoping for Dutch to hook up with Eph. They have better chemistry together than Dutch with Fet. I'm not a fan of all the lesbian fantasy approach to it. But Eph put an end to it so I guess is alright.
Excellent the final battle scene.
I'm really enjoying this show.
One thing: they could do without the

Yes. I liked it very much three episodes in. Certainly better than The WD ones.

Justo for her looks you should be able to remember her. Shame on you!

I used to hate Sheila even more than those two.

I really liked the Bianca storyline.

Another vote for Quarry!