
Be weary of this, if you bought a new house, this would clearly void the warranty (on the garage)

@G2Wolf: It's hard to overstate my satisfaction

@kwahhn: I want the one with the bigger "Gee Bees"

It's obvious that the 3g they were testing was still running ios3. Why not upgrade all phones to the latest firmware and do the test that way?

Hell yeah $57 coming my way!

I got a call once with an emergency room bill that I thought I'd paid years ago (a lot of medical bills at that time). I told them I'd pay 50% percent of it on the spot. They agreed.

@Formerly known as: Yes I would! I suffer from amblyopia. When I go see a 3D movies I do sometimes see significant movement in my bad eye. I'm curious to see if there could be a potential therapy for us using 3D technology as a model.

@Formerly known as: I'm blind in one eye, all 3D does is darken movies. DEATH TO 3D!

@mikefisher84: I hated avatar in 3D. I would remove my glasses and see all the vibrant colors, then put the glasses back on and see them muted.

@Stem_Sell: I assumed it was one of these.

Ok, how about the white balance issues with the back camera?

Not just bumpers, it's going to be a selection of cases.

@tomsomething: as far as a fix goes. I've got issues with my camera, proximity sensor, and antenna, even with a case. I'm heading to Apple on saturday, hopefully I've just got a bad phone. But it's pretty freaking bad.

@tomsomething: That's right, the service packs were free.

@DustyButt: Either way, I think it's ridiculous that a corporation can't fire somebody for publicly insulting the company. There is something inherently wrong with that.