
Haven't you ever seen toy handcuffs before? They have a release.

Wow, it looks like Gizmodo has gone full retard.

I think the jug is to share with other know like a bucket of chicken.

Are you just recycling old gizmodo articles now?

You've obviously never put a banana in a refrigerator

I've had the i4 since launch and I did have the problem. 3 phones later (camera issues) and the problem is still there. I think the initial signal strength is important here. If you're starting with a weaker signal it may be more drastic.

Do you see the huge contradiction in your post?

A new iPhone has been released ever year in either June or July since 2007. I doubt this will change.

@Riff-Raff: I like the almost taco meat filling idea.

@DavidWizard: I did read the article. I'm talking about the ingredients list that's typed out for ease of reading.

So a beef taco contains beef.

@sirmeili: That's my point. You can't say "without any of the netbook compromises" when it lacks the same hardware as other netbooks. Oh, I didn't realize that it had an SD card reader. oops. As far as the mini display port. I can't tell you how much I hate it.

@sazo: Ummm, that's kinda my point. That's a "netbook compromise".

"The 11" model is like a netbook without any of the netbook compromises."

@FauxReal: My brother still dreams of those border fries. Not everyone knows of them. I think you (and us) just lived in test markets.

Just what I always wanted. A monitor that can't be raised, lowered, or tilted!

I looks like you can still use the phone, just stick your fingers through the bars and dial. Then press speaker phone.