
Title: Seth Rogen put a presumably white child actor in blackface, presumably for “comedy”.

Nice to see that people are finally catching up to us rational people who didn’t have time for Kim Kardashian 10+ years ago.

I’d go total Sea Lion on him.

These are absolutely atrocious but somehow Jennifer Lopez still looks amazing and it defies everything logical but there it is.

Jesus.. Picking your favorite Kardashian? That’s like saying my favorite STI is gonorrhea due to it being curable.

See, I’m passive-aggressive (or at least _some_ people seem to think so), so I would just start having my own loud conversation about how hard it is to deal with all the idiots and misogynists in the world. Like, keep citing examples of things the d-bag was just talking about as things that have appalled me, but never

We had a black president before we had a black photographer shoot a cover image for Vogue. This is insane.

Or the straight away.

Nikki Glaser killed it at the roast last night but then again, she always does. Love her!

I am an atheistic cynic and I love those Lambos to death, Cardi B. That green one is the stuff of my wildest dreams.

Same.  If I were them I’d be like “fuck all y’all” and spend the rest of my days on a tropical island.  We didn’t deserve them.

“If Obama can listen to songs with the N word, how come Trump can’t say it?”- says everyone on Fox News 

Not for nothing, but this is probably my favourite Barack/Michelle photograph. It was taken during their final state dinner, and I would pay good money to know what Barack said approximately five seconds before this picture was taken, because he looks pleased as hell with himself for having said it, but Michelle

What I've been shouting at the sky for the last few days.

6'0". Tall enough to see where I’m going and reach things, but not weird tall. People taller than me I’m like “Really? I think that’s a bit much. What’re ya doin’ up there?

After seeing this tweet, I can never look at his face and not laugh.

The most surprising thing to me about parenthood is that every single thing that anyone ever told me about it was completely true. It is exhausting mentally and emotionally in ways I did not expect. The physical recovery alone took me 6 months.