
Nothing exciting! I was walking my dog, and she inexplicably started barking at this dude walking towards us. She’s not usually a barker, so idk why she was losing her little damn mind. When he got near us, he just kneeled down next to her and she stopped barking and decided that, actually, he was not a danger and in

*reads post and comments*

Best way to have improved this entire article would be to make the following amendment to a section title:

All of these are wrong. The most awful thing that teens do that makes everybody feel like their worst self is whisper and giggle amongst themselves while you’re speaking. And then if given the opportunity to say what they were giggling about they throw shade hard like “oh, we were just talking about your hair” and

Rose McGowan Knew.

Die Moist


TBH the bear isn’t even cute... like if it was a cute 150 lb chocolate bear I’d covet the shit out of it.

Yep, looks like a shitty Russel Stover chocolate, so it must be legit.

Typical sexual predator. He can’t take “no” for an answer.

Part of me is saying, “Don’t blame women for what the men in their lives do.”

I love you, digital billboard driver.

I was at the grocery store a couple weeks ago with my 1yo and a man came up to me and asked “Does that boy have a piggy bank?” I was like umm.... and then he handed me a Sacajawea and said “Please put this in his piggy bank from me.”

Revenge is a dish best served via neatly filed paperwork.

And Markle will be binge-watching The Crown on Netflix this weekend.

Speaking of Fred Armisen, I was really expecting there to be new accusations about him coming out.

I thought Elton John was about 92

I have to be honest, and I’m sure I’ll receive flack for it, but I get what she’s saying. Yes, women should be able to walk into a business meeting (regardless of the unusual setting that it’s taking place in) and be safe.