
While your outrage is understandable, your framing is problematic - the board should care about HW’s victims NOT because the board members have wives/sisters/daughters/mother’s, but because those victims are PEOPLE. I am a person (also a wife, mother, daughter, sister, etc) but it is MY PERSONHOOD that matters, not

Oh, so does this mean we can finally quit pretending that Terry Richardson hasn’t been gross as hell FOREVER? Also, his shitty photography has always been just as much garbage as he is as a human being, and I will never understand his popularity.


I will say this for the last time. Do not hold women accountable for the actions, decisions or words of their partners. Don’t. Do it.

Megyn Kelly Colors, 9/25/17-10/19/17

Tangential: Kevin Smith’s donating all future residuals from his Weinstein flicks (plus $2k a month for good measure) to Women In Film.

You spend 8,800 hours creating the world’s most expensive purse and that’s the best design you can come up with?

He could’ve taken the same tack many others are and said, “I had no idea! This is terrible and shocking!” Instead, he says what should be said, and he (appropriately) calls himself out as well. I give someone a lot of props for acknowledging what he did wrong and why.

Don’t care, would sleep in that teal suede coat and spend my days petting myself and twirling down the street and enjoying life in my suede cocoon of richness.

Obligatory gif.

Me too! She paints like a 5 year-old. But hey, painting is awesome and if more people took on a creative hobby like her then the world would be a better place.

Nothing against Britney: this is totally cute.

This is cute and she looks happy and I can’t hate. Paint on, Brit!

i just found this and had to share. she can’t even look like she’s having fun.

Megyn Kelly Colors, 9/25/17-10/13/17

Could be. I think these are right there with it.

Because it seems that a great many men are under the delusion that everyone else should find their penis delightful and enchanting.

Megyn Kelly Colors (upper half), 9/25/17-10/10/17

If I were mrs hole I would want to know. Better to know before having more kids/spending more time with him.