Well, there’s engaging in some kind of activity.
Well, there’s engaging in some kind of activity.
I don’t know if my family would appreciate this.
Matching pearl necklaces for them all.
I don’t think there was enough context here.
He, and Lisa Bloom, can fuck right off with this “dinosaur learning new ways” (direct quote from Bloom in the article). He’s 64, not 106. My father-in-law is 81. He was a top boy in the banking industry in his youth, including doing finance for many films in London in the 60s and 70s. The man has some amazing tales.
Little know fact, back in the 1960s and 70s, men actually had tiny turkey brains so any time they showered there was always a risk that they would look up at the showerhead and open their mouths, thereby drowning in the process. Because women were too smart to do this, it was actually imperative they every man had a…
I have ads coming up with shots of Idris Elba chopping wood and pulling a sled and then the word “PROTECTOR” scrolls across the screen. They’re not being subtle and I kind of appreciate that.
Very important Alison Hammond content from her UK DWTS appearance
Coworker sent me this. Enjoy.
First, thank you for the work you do. I am utterly appalled by our lack of government response, especially the lack of foresight with the navy ships we have meant specifically for this purpose. Has the Comfort even reached PR yet? The fact that Oxfam is stepping in when we have the means but lack the leadership is…
This is such an important point: the fact that the richest country in the world is using resources that could have gone to other countries is worse than embarrassing. It should be criminal.
Not only is this an embarrassment for US, this is a huge drain on resources earmarked for countries that genuinely can’t respond because they don’t have the infrastructure, skills or leadership. I work for Oxfam, based in a developing country, and although everyone agrees we must step in, the mood is one of collective…
Yesterday I had my 15 minutes of fame when Colbert retweeted my pic, saying that I get to be a celeb for the day.... because I was just that awesome.
I love how most people are putting up pictures of themselves looking cute at prom, with kittens, in their cheerleading outfits, hugging their Mom, at a fricking beauty pageant - going ‘oh, I was so awkward and fugly!’. And everyone goes ‘Aw, so cute.’
Right?! Like it’s not Highlander. There can be more than one, James.
So why didn’t she ask Robert Redford about his terrible facelift?