Good to see he’s moving on from Heidi Klum
On a lighter note (As one can only stare screaming into the abyss that is our current state of affairs for so long); here’s Anna Kendrick stepping out with her new man:
You can tell him what an asshole he is through a link off this page:
Not so subtly, either.
Wow. I think he illustrates perfectly where the motivation for these bills comes from; a hatred for women’s voices and choices and medical well-being that is based in hatred of women themselves.
My parents watched it. They said “Wow, it was really good, but it was really hard to watch.”
I’ve never watched This Is Us, and based on the way its cast and creative team (Mandy Moore, Milo Ventimiglia, and…
Are we great again yet?
Of the 18-and-counting Beyonce posts on Jez today, this is the only one I give a single solitary fuck for.
You missed the woman’s AWESOME follow up. Bravo!
Also fun:
I hope that the British royals decline to meet with Trump.