
I’d settle for more adaptions of any Anne book that isn’t Green Gables.

You should check out Reign. She’s perfect. And you get to see her do things like drag a dead body around a castle with her husband who is also the king of France, poison most people, and have ghost sex.


It’s a handicap. I figure dressing for snow is baked into Canadian DNA.

“minus points for being Canadian”

And I need an investigation to see whether she’s sent any emails telling her staff to buy Ivanka’s tacky crap. Then we can go full circle on this shit.

Take chances! Make mistakes! Get messy!

:) so happy that Netflix sees money in STEM education. And just plain psyched.

All day, bad news. Shut the front door. I can go to bed. This is wonderful.

Even better, I want to know how Trump reacted when (if?) he was told the new immigration minister is a Muslim Somali refugee.

Deal. Easy deal.

Our Defence Minister is a turban wearing Sikh and he met with Mattis this week. I can’t help but wonder what was going through the Trump admin’s heads when he visited.

It was a weird episode. It might be editing, but it seems like Nick isn’t having many serious conversations or getting to know anyone. Usually by this point in the show there are one or two people who the bachelor/ette seems genuinely interested in.

I am a public school teacher. I am sitting at my desk, which is in a classroom in a public school full of minorities and SpEd students, and I am weeping. I have about 9 minutes left on my lunch break, and I don’t know that I can pull it together in time. I am crushed, absolutely gutted. I am afraid for my students, I

Who of us hasn’t begged an author to be let out of the greys? The kinja version of a knighthood. Some with more success that others.

Dear Trump Family~

First ladies have often served to promote style and oftentimes their fashion, decorating, or diet choices have triggered big sales for designers or for nutritional movements. Jackie Kennedy (style and culture) Lady Bird Johnson (environmentalism) and Betty Ford (wellness) all come to mind. But not one ever cashed in

I don’t get why people want to cut her slack. She’s totally evil too, and complicit in this shitstorm.