
Yes, we need to spread the stories of love and strength! A mosque burned to the ground between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Saturday morning in Victoria, Texas. (I’m not from there, but I have family that used to live there.) They don’t know yet what caused the fire, but luckily no one was there and no one was hurt. Hundreds of

I’m already seeing it in the comment sections of local media. “Let’s wait for all the facts”. “How about fuck you?”

I need whatever that second otter is smoking because it looks like it’s having crazy fun.

Now playing

comedy works well for me—whether it’s stand-up (eddie izzard and dylan moran are two of my favourites for that) or sketch comedy or sit-coms, a good laugh is the best medicine for me for pretty much anything that ails me. for example, today my friend sent me this link:

Sloths and otters 4ever <3

This is perfectly normal behavior. He has every reason to fear being pushed down the stairs. There’s a big line of people waiting for the chance. And I am one of them

The Academy better put its money where its mouth is, and make a very public statement during the ceremony in protest of the ban, as it directly attacks their members and a nominee, Asghar Farhadi.

They appreciate it. As someone who pays her bills through an ACLU salary, I thank you all deeply. The ACLU is very good people and they are going to be tireless the next 4 years.

It made me happy to see how many lawyers rushed to the airports to start doing pro-bono work for these people. And the protesters who came out to show the world that not everyone agrees with whatever 45 is doing.

Sorry for the emphasis but THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE AND NASA HAVE GONE ROGUE. I’m not kidding. After they began tweeting about climate change (in defiance of Trump), he took down their Twitter pages. Now several government employees are tweeting under the monikers AltUSNatParkSerice and RogueNASA. Badlands is in

He might agree to that, so long as the press corps were willing to use his ‘alternative rulers’ for measuring

I feel like I need to mail it a sweater.

What is it? Who knows, it’s cute.


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I love India. I love her hippy dippi-ness. I can’t hate on a girl who writes songs like these:

Please. Like the US was the only country funding those programs. Get over yourself.