
Dear god we are just so very embarrassing.

Robert Pattinson must just look around at his life every day and shit himself with delight. Like, that dude is LUCKY.

I need the t-shirt, the coffee mug, and the mousepad, please.

I made this the other night because fuck this guy

“here is Joseph Fiennes, brother of Ralph, also known as “the hotter one,” as Michael Jackson ...”

It’s the labour required for a Jackie Kennedy homage: and taking herself rather seriously in the imitation thereof. It isn’t fatal but may be slightly constipating.

Wait, it a new dumb expression? I thought the person who wrote the headline just had a stroke or something

Who, me?!

Anne Rice...

The thing about having kids is that you end up programmed to always feel a little sorry for people who have to distract their kids from something they don’t want them to see; even Ivanka Trump.

Probably because she’s confusing him with Chad Smith who is married to Nancy Mack who attacked Scott Baio for supporting Donald Trump. Because your mom loves Donald Trump

Dude I share this fear and I almost hate it more than the Donald presidency.

Now playing

A young David Bowie with Bing Crosby doing Little Drummer Boy/Peace On Earth

I know what I did: played with my sister’s whenever she left the house.

Women don’t fight with other women just because they’re women; people fight with each other on set or at work or in line for coffee because they’re assholes or because they’re tired

Thank you for reminding me that Joshua Jackson is sexy, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

You had to know Mr. Felicity Huffman wouldn’t let us down.